The Second War Starts

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All in the ballroom had gone busy, most were enjoying themselves, some were on full alert in case of any attack, and Sam and Aurora despite the fact that their mind was expecting a catastrophe, were trying to talk normally with Ariana and Dean (he had finally asked Ariana to accompany her in the ball when only 2 hours were left). Admist of all this a certain someone entered the ballroom, his mind filled with a mixed feeling of fear and ambition. He scanned the whole hall with his eyes and spotted his first target for the phase 1 of the master plan. Xavier smirked as he saw that his target was already in a drunk state so it was going to be easy to carry out the plan.
Diana was sitting lonely in a chair drinking wine nonstop as she watched her 'ex'boyfriend talking with his friends from her red drunken eyes. She just couldn't stand that how her Sam rejected her. Suddenly she felt a tap on her shoulder and she looked back and saw Xavier standing there with a sympathetic look but she wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone so she snapped at him,"What do you want?"

Great, so she's already bitter, he thought and giving her a disappointed smile he said,"You were looking at Sam, weren't you?"

"None of your business. Just get lost," she snapped again but Xavier didn't go away. Instead he sat on a chair beside her and took a glass of wine himself and as he lifted it he spoke again,"You know what, at last Sam made a good choice."

"What do you mean?"

He pointed at Aurora,"She will make a better queen than anyone else afterall she's got the royal blood of her mother."

Diana sapt at the floor, her blood boiled like a firey sea . Xavier was clearly pointing out that Aurora was better than her. "What does it matter if her mother was a royal nerd, her father was still a flithy mass murderer-"

"But others don't seem to think like you Diana. I mean just look at yourself now, you were dating Sam for a year and he never thought about another girl but now that the best one has come you lost your place..."

That was it Diana couldn't take it anymore. She crushed her glass and stood up from her chair and started going towards Aurora but as she was going Xavier threw a small batch of dark commandos on her gown's shoulder which got unnoticed by her.

Diana in a drunk state pulled out her sword and attacked Aurora with a sharp wind slash and she fell down. Now everyone in the ballroom started staring at Diana who started to attack Sofia again but this time Xavier caught Diana by her wrist and shouted to the whole hall,"Ms.Smith is a spy. Look at the batch on her shoulder!"

"Wha-what I'm not a spy," Diana shouted as she struggled to get out of his grip but unfortunately her sudden act and the batch showed something else. Soon the guards arrested her and dragged her to the investigation room.

Xavier then walked towards Rora, Sam, Anna and Dean. He asked Rora with a fake concern," You okay?"

Aurora nodded at him but in her mind she thought it really weird. If Diana was really a spy then she wouldn't have been so reckless to attack her in the presence of so many people and then although Xavier saved her from another attack, there was still something suspicious about him. As she looked around at her friends she saw that now they were now looking at him great fully that he had saved Sofia from Diana. It seemed that now they all were believing him so Sofia thought that she was just overthinking.

"What happened Rora?" Ariana asked pulling Aurora out of her train of thoughts.

"N-nothing, I think that I need to go to the refreshment room,"saying this Sofia left from there.

(Aurora's POV)

As I reached the basin of the refreshment room, I started throwing splashes of water on my face. My head is spinning around and it feels like it would burst. First the warning and now Xavier, but-but everyone trusts him. I really am just overthinking about all this.

Aarghhh! Why can't I just celebrate a festival like any other normal person.

If things continue to be this much messier then I'm sure that I'll die.


Such a simple word of three letters and it has got the solution to my every problem.

I heard a few loud voices and it felt like some things were being broken in the above ballroom but I ignored them.

Why don't I just end my life here and be free from all this mess.

I won't have to face any headache then nor will I have any responsibility.

It's the best option but then...

Won't I be called a coward then?

People will laugh at my death, will say that I quit in between.

But then again I'm too much exhausted by all this and quitting will be easy.

But is the easy thing always right?

We must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy. The quote which I had once read while eating chips came into my mind and I laughed.

I could have never even imagined at that time that in what situation I am in the present.

Life is like a wave. You never know where it will take you next.

I sighed, if I quit then I'll never be able to see how all of this could have ended.
The various possibilities of the future will be closed forever and I won't let that happen.

I wiped my face with a towel and went back to the ballroom but from what I saw there I froze on the entrance.

All the decorations were destroyed, most of the people had escaped from here and the rest.... the rest were fighting with the dark commandos and King Garrick and Uncle David were together fighting with the Dark Lord.

I reckon that the second war has started.

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