First Day in Avalor Prep High (Part-1)

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(Author's POV)

"Wooooahhhh!" came out simultaneously from the mouths of Aurora and James when they saw the school building.

(You can imagine the school as your own wish cause I have literally forgotten, how a school looks like in the lockdown).

"Come on, we haven't got the whole day," Sam said in a scarsatic voice. Aurora rolled her eyes at him before they entered the school gate.

"Sammy bear!" came a girly-girl's squeal from behind them and Vic facepalmed herself, while Sam mentally cursed.

Our quartet turned back and a stunning looking girl ran towards them and hugged Sam tightly. He seemed to feel a bit uncomfortable with that, he quickly removed himself from her grip.

"You don't need to do it everyday, Dian," he told her for what he thought was the millionth time.

"But, I really love to see you Sammy Bear! You can't blame me for that," she told him in a very innocent voice.

He opened his mouth to argue but then thought better of it and sighed in defeat. She smiled triumphantly and then she looked around herself and saw Vic, James and Aurora. Her eyes narrowed suspiciously on seeing a new girl standing near Sam. She stared at her for a moment and then.

"YOU!" she shrieked at Aurora and several students's attention turned towards them. When some of them noticed Aurora they also started gasping.

"Er- do I know you?" Aurora asked the girl in a would be polite manner, trying to ignore the people around who were shamelessly pointing at her and were whispering loudly not bothering to keep their voice low.


"Dian, Miss.Carter has been given the royal security so unless you wish to challenge the decisions of the crown, I think you should calm down and shouldn't shout at her." Sam suddenly spoke finally in a low voice surprising them all.

"A very good advice Mr.Wilson," came a man's voice and all the students turned to the source of that voice.

"Professor Romero," several students said including Sam, Vic and Diana said as they curtly bowed their heads to him. Aurora looked at the Professor, his face was very much similar to hers and his surname ringed something in her mind.

"All of you please head to your classrooms," said the professor and then he turned to Diana and continued ,"Miss.Smith if you don't want a detention then please don't make such a scene in the school campus again."

"But sir, this girl is the -" she tried to say but he cut her off.

"I am perfectly aware of who she's, go to your classroom now." He said the last word in a stern voice and sure enough all the students started dispersing.

Diana was still stunned but Hugo dragged her to their classroom. Sofia, James and Vic also followed in their direction after a while.

James asked in a low whisper,"Who was that dumb hag?"

"She's Sam's girlfriend,"replied Vivian.

"And why , was she so much pissed off at me?" Aurora asked, she had felt a strange tinge of pain when she heard that she was Sam's girlfriend, but she ignored it.

"Oh well her uncle and aunt were killed in the war. And there were lots of other deaths too. Her parents have a high position in the council and they are filled with deep feeling of hatred and revenge towards the Dark Commandos and the Dark Lord so I think Diana was also raised up hating them." Vic told them and there was a silence.

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