Victoria( Vic),The Princess Royal

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(Vic's POV)

"....Bring up the beat and the melody, melody,
Find yourself in the song
When we're together it's meant to be
All it takes is one big dream
You better find yourself in the song
When we're together it's meant to be
I completed the song.
"Oh my gosh Vic, your voice is incredibly awesome," Aurora awed at me.
"Thanks," I replied putting down my guitar. And then we both went to our beds with a pizza slice in our hands.

It's the full lyrics of the song that Vivian was singing.
Back to the story:
We were in my room, well technically now ours because as it was one of the most protected rooms of the palace, daddy thought that it would be safest for her to be here and I also agreed to share my room with her since she looked like she would definitely be a roommate with whom you can have fun. And she surely turned out to be a really nice girl, I thought. I can't believe that the father of such a sweet girl would be a mass murder. She is very much interested in physics though, the fucking subject which can't get in my brain at all, I think that she's just like Sam, he also tops in that hell of a subject. (but Sam never comes first in the class because the Dean boy always scores much more marks than him in languages).

"So what's the Avalor Prep High like?"She asked me.

"Well it's really great and the best High school in our country to be honest. Our curriculum is almost the same as that you have on the earth but here in the sports period we also learn hoverboarding, and using the elemental sword."

"The elemental what?" She asked totally confused.

"Well, find out tomorrow for yourself, I am not gonna tell you, I like some.... suspense," I replied smirking.

"So you aren't as innocent as I thought, huh?," she playfully glared at me and we both burst out into laughter.

"How are the students there like?"

"Most of them are fine and my best friends are great. One is Xavier Weston, the grandson of the head of the council of ministers and the other is Ariana Warren. She's the niece of the late Commander Warren."

"Hey! That means that she's James cousin, doesn't it ?"

"Yeah, I suppose so," I said and a blush appeared on my face when I heard James' name.
I was in my room listening to the song that Ariana had sent me but my mind wasn't on that song at all and it happened very rarely that I didn't pay attention to a song. But how could I pay attention to it when my twin brother was missing from the morning. I know that now me and Sam don't talk much but it doesn't mean that I would stop caring about my brother and I am sure that he also cares about me too. He only behaves a bit rudely because of his girlfriend Diana. Until one year ago me and Sam were very close siblings but when Xavier informed us that he had found from his grandpa that the council was going to choose between me and Sam for the next ruler, Diana started to poisoning Sam's mind against Ariana. At that time Ariana had a crush on Sam and Diana was jealous of her because she thought that he would choose her. And when she heard that Sam had a chance of becoming a King she couldn't resist her temptation to become the future Queen and to throw Ariana out of her way she fooled Sam to think that Ariana was a mean girl who always tried to hurt her. I was Ariana's bestie and knew that she can't do such things so I stood up for her but that caused a little glitch between me and my twin bro. Now at least one good thing was that Ariana had moved on and now she had a secret crush on Dean Thompson the top-of-the-class. So today when we were on a school field trip in the museum, Sam got missing and now I was very much worried for him. Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," I said.

Sir Frederick entered the room. Seeing him I jumped out of my bed and asked breathlessly," Is there a news about Sam?"

"Your brother is perfectly fine, princesses. He's in his room and just a bit injured." He answered me and I sighed in relief."Your father wants to see you." he further told me.

"Alright, thanks Sir Frederick," I politely told him.

"Your welcome princess," he bowed to me and left.

I also started going to my dad's office room. On the way I was thinking about why did he want to see me. Had it something to do with the future ruler business. I don't want to be a queen at all, it would just widen the glitch between me and Sam if I was chosen over him and after all I wanted to pursue a career in music. While all of this was going on in my mind I didn't realize that I bumped into someone and started to fall.

Oh great!

I mentally cursed but then the person in whom I had bumped caught me. My hands landed around his neck while his hands griped my waist. I looked up at him. He had beautiful chocolate brown eyes and for a moment I got lost in them until he cleared his throat and said,"Falling for me that fast,huh, my lady?"

I was quickly snapped back to reality, I drew myself away from him.

"Who the hell are you?" I snapped at him.

"James, my lady and you would be?" he asked me.

"I am Victoria, The Princess Royal," my reply struck on him like thunder.

"Pl-please don't punish me your highness, I was just joking," he pleaded.

"I shall think about it," I told him smirking, clearly amused by his fear.

With that I left him and proceeded to dad's office making a note in my mind to ask him who that guy was.

I realized that I had eaten my whole pizza while thinking about what had just happened. I looked at Aurora, she had fallen asleep on her bed. She looked exhausted and why won't she be after all the crazy things which had happened to her today. I looked at the clock. It was 11 pm, I thought that should also start sleeping because tomorrow wasn't a holiday and I had to go to school.


I can't wait to see how the whole school would react to see the famous Aurora Carter.

Tomorrow was going to be fun.
And with that last thought I fell asleep too.

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