The End

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(Unkown's POV)

".... so after the Second Celiston War ended people started recovering from the destruction with Victoria as the new queen-"The librarian was cut off by a young boy.

"Why didn't Sam or Aurora took the throne?"

"Because they had too much with these responsibilities and pressures, they said that Victoria had put together the Avalorians in the time of crisis, she had grown into a capable leader during the war. After some years she married James who became the King consort. Matilda became insane after her brother's death and was admitted to an asylum. Xavier and many other dark commandos were all hanged was exiled from. Aurora and Sam went to live in a peaceful village as school teachers after their marriage and Dean went to Earth to explore more of it and eventually became a geologist." The librarian finished.

"And what happened to Ariana, Mrs.Thompson ?"A cute girl asked.

A smile curved on the librarian, Mrs. Thompson's face. She replied,"She also came to earth with Dean and became a librarian."

"Like you Mrs Thompson?" Another boy asked.

She nodded,"Yeah."

"But is it all true or just a story?" The previous girl asked.

Mrs. Ariana Thompson smirked and simply said," Well, what do you think?"


Author's Note
Sorry friends I wanted to give it a more satisfying and long and elaborated ending and also the battle in the palace but my boards are just ending tomorrow and after that I'll start my JEE perp so I don't think that I would have been able to finish this anyway.

So that's it.
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Yours friend
Star 🌟
P.S. Sorry again.

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