Father and Daughter

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(Victoria's POV)

"We're running out of food princess.."

"The Calus group was coming with supplies, what happened to it?" I asked, already dreading the answer.

"They were killed, minister Weston's troop caught them," the shoulder told me.

I sighed, it was the eleventh group to be caught this month.
The surviving shoulders, a few loyal ministers and some courageous civilians had joined hands to put up a rebellion against the new imperial empire, the empire lead by Dark Lord himself. Now he had control not just over Avalor but other prominent countries like Tatoone, Lothal, Mandalore, Naboo... the list was increasing every week.
And now our rebel forces are facing a new problems like hunger, infections, and also conflicts are increasing between our alliance. If the wars don't end soon then we won't be able to stand much longer.

No, we can't give up, I have to buy time so that Sam and others can succeed .

"I'll arrange the food then," I said and started going out but Mr. Romero grabbed my arm.

"You're not fully recovered yet, you can't just barge in the imperial's grainery!" He said glaring at me.

"What's the point of living if my people are starving?" I snapped.

"You are the face of rebellion, Victoria. All these people consider you as the rightful ruler after Garrick. Your death would drastically demoralise the rebellions." He reasoned," I'll go instead-" he was cut off by another shoulder

"General Romero, there's been an unauthorised teleportation straight to the palace... and it was not from anyone on our alliance too!" He informed us dumbstruck.

I and and Mr.Romero exchanged knowing looks.

Aurora and others are back!

Mr. Romero took out his communicator and ordered,"Prepare to send out all our forces to invade the palace."

(Time skip)

(Author's POV)

The Dark Lord was in the throne room, sipping coffee and discussing the plans to conquer the next kingdom, Welshire, with Matilda when he heard the disturbance in the palace.

He ordered Matilda to curb the invasion and when he got to know that the whole rebel alliance had also joined, he started to get up to take the matter in his own hands but when a servant informed him that Aurora and her crew were also present amon the invaders then he stopped. He knew that Aurora was herself going to come straight for him.

And he was ready.

(Meanwhile )

Aurora whole body was shaking slightly as ran in the direction of the room where she got to know that her so called father was in. She was feeling as if her mind would burst, the ultimate power was flowing in her veins and she had to keep on resisting the possession that Henry was trying to have on her mind. The only thought that was keeping her sane was of her friends, she had to save them, her mother, she had to take her revenge and her love, she had to end all this madness for Sam.

Sam was still by her side, the others had to stay back to hold other soldiers back. In the way she also saw a glimpse of Vic but she didn't have time to meet her. She was being attacked by Minister Weston but luckily Ariana had joined in to help her.
Meanwhile James and Dean had stopped Matilda from getting to Aurora. Matilda was still overpowering them so Sam decided to join in too but Mr. Romero came at the right time and started to duel Matilda with James and Dean backing him up.

So now only Sam was left with Aurora and both of them heading to throne room admist the battle.

At last they entered the room were greeted by the Dark Lord.

"Welcome home daughter," he said and then turned to Sam and smirked," Ah, you've brought a boyfriend home too, however I don't appreciate your taste."

Sam was about to to charge at him but Aurora stopped him, she knew no matter how strong Sam was, he was no match for Henry and that she had to do it herself, the infinity crystals had submerged in her.

"You know what Henry," Aurora said with gritted teeth and raising her sword," You lost the right of having this father-daughter talk when you murdered my mum. I don't want your blessings."

"Tsk, tsk, you're very delusioned Aurora" he said,"Mia was manipulated by that Garrick and Natasha, just like their children are manipulating you against me, I didn't hurt Mia willingly and I don't want to hurt you too. Just hand over the gauntlet, you can't tolerate that much power, I can sense your agony."

"Then feel my pain too!" She shouted and charged at her father.

He also put up his sword and clashed with her.

The impact destroyed the furniture and decorations of the throne room and Sam was thrown backwards and fainted cause of a head injury.

The two swords kept clashing with each other, one made by the natural crystal power but yeilded by daughter and the other made by synthetic crystal power yeilded by father, the legendary warrior. One side a pure soul exhausted by constant agony and the other full of darkness corrupted by power.

Henry,"You've always had a friend or two to lend you a hand. But now, no matter where you turn there's no one here but you. You're all alone, daughter."

Clash! The furniture was now completely tarnished.

Aurora: Just because I'm by myself doesn't mean that I'll lose.
I don't need any help to battle you.

Aurora's eyes were filled with tears as she was tolerating a burning pain and ash and smoke was going into her mouth. She fell back as another of Henry's strike hit her stomach.

Henry: My dear, just give up. Didn't you see how badly they treat you.

He walked to her and started lending her a hand, Aurora wanted to spit on him very badly but she knew that she couldn't stand up too long so she took her last chance, she got up and hugged Henry and then...
She let all the elemental power within her flow through them.

And then with a big blast The Dark Lord turned to ashes and Aurora fell down unconscious.

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