Miss Bossy!

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(Aurora's POV)

"Does he always eat like that?" Vic asked me pointing towards James.

"Yeah, as far as I can remember," I answered her.

We were all sitting in the palace garden enjoying the delicious royal breakfast. As today was Sunday so we didn't have to hurry for the school. Me and Vic were talking about random things, Sam was simply eating food and was reading something on his phone and James....well James being James was attacking food like a hungry wolf.
I must say that I am quite surprised to see that how much easily I have settled on this planet in just a week. Except for the continuous whispers, and gossiping of the students about me and that Diana's never-ending fake and pointless auctions on me (like her blaming me for abusing her verbally when I never even talk to that drama queen, and her blaming me for spilling ink on her expensive dress when I can't even stand to be near her) everything else seems pretty good. The school lessons here are also fun but I am literally very much clumsy in dueling. The most I can do till now is to throw a few useless tiny electric sparks on my opponents or to glow a light at the end of my sword tip. Honestly speaking, I was never good at sports and I also didn't mind it but now that I have got the so called most incredible sword power the other students make fun of me when I fail to use it correctly and I feel also a bit frustrated to see that Sam is the best in something which I can't get right at all. Speaking of the devil, Sam suddenly cleared his throat. All of us looked up at him.

He turned towards me and said,"Remember that we have to work on the history assignment that Mr.Joules gave us?"

Assignment, what assignment is he talking about? I thought.

"What do you me-" I started asking him but then it hit me that he was referring to going to our parents's lab and was avoiding to say in front of Vic and James," O-oh yes, I remember," I added hastily.

"He gave you two an assignment?" James asked me forgetting that it's rude to talk with mouth full.

Before I could reply, Sam said, "Actually, he gave it to Dean and Ariana also, we all are planning to do some research for it," then he again turned towards me and continued," I have told them to reach there at 11 o'clock and we will leave from the palace for there at 10:30."

I nodded and then we all went back to the old routine, me and vic talking, sam reading phone and james....eating.

Time skip

It was 10:25 and I was in the palace library reading a book when,

"Come on miss bookworm, time to go," came a familiar voice through the door which I recognized as Sam's.

Ughhh! Miss perfect, miss clums, miss topper and now miss bookworm! How many names was going to call me from?

I got up, went to him and said sharply,"Don't you dare call me a bookworm!"

He chuckled and said,"As you wish, miss bossy."

"You-" I couldn't find words to respond, he smirked at my red face and turned around.

I sighed in defeat and finally started following him and to my surprise we stopped in front of my and Vic's room.

"Go and collect your hoverboard," he said.

"We are going there by hoverboards?" I asked.

"Yes, as I can't risk to ask dad for the car or else he would find out where we are going," he told me.

"Alright," I nodded and went inside to get my board, luckily Vic wasn't there.

I picked my broad and then we both went outside the palace grounds. There I saw another hoverboard, it was also very much advanced looking and was somewhat unique in comparison to the boards which the other students sometimes used in the sports period. Sam got on that.

"It's yours?" I asked him getting up on my own board.

He nodded and then we both took off.

Time skip

(Ariana's POV)

"Where are they?" Dean asked me for what would be the hundredth time.

"I don't know, but it's just 11:02. They will reach here anytime now," I answered.

"Yeah but there's something called punctuality." He huffed crossing his arms,"I have been waiting for at least fifteen minutes!"

"You came here earlier,"I said thoughtfully.

Me and Dean were waiting outside the lab for Aurora and Sam. I reached here just five minutes ago.

"So, how did Sam allow to come too?" He asked after a few seconds.

"I found out about your plan and threatened to tell his dad," I replied.

"Really? I didn't know that you could do something like that," he looked at me with a mixture of shock and admiration.

I chuckled,"Yeah, you would have probably thought that I am just a spoilt girl who is totally obsessed with her makeup from what Diana tells you guys about me."

Dean replied,"Er- yeah, but now it's obvious that it's that Diana who is a spoilt brat and that she was totally wrong about you, you are amazing"

I felt some butterflies in my stomach when he said the last part. I smiled at him and we both looked at each other for a moment.

"Sorry for interruption but we are on a mission here," said a sumg boy's voice and both of us turned around and saw Sam and Aurora smirking at us.

"H-how long have you been standing here?" I asked panicked.

"Long enough to know that my new ship is sailing," squealed Aurora with excitement.

My cheeks went very red while both Sam and Dean looked confused by her statement. Luckily only I understood her as these two boys are so much naive that they won't even know the meaning of ship here.

"Alright now let's go inside," I said changing the topic and thankfully they all nodded and we went inside the lab to start our.....investigation.


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