Chapter Twenty Five : Recovery?

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"He's still asleep"

"Wake him up"

"No, you wake him-"

"You mother fuckers both of you are useless"

Three familiar voices was to be heard as Chan groaned because of the pain he is currently experiencing.

As chan slowly began to regain his vision, there he saw seungkwan, seungkwan and Jihoon debating upon something.

He then looks at his surroundings as he realized he is currently in his room in Seoul.

He was surprised at first upon how he got here but he guesses those idiots had carry him to the car and drove back.

He leans back on his bed as he watches his members debate upon something he didn't understand.

"You wake him up then-"

"Who are you going to wake up?"

Chan asks as the three looks at him with wide eyes. They were surprised until Soonyoung began to ran unto Chan's bed as he bounces in it before hugging him.

He was about to say he can't breath until Seungkwan joins the hug to the point Chan couldn't move any of his body.

"Ya'll either get off of him or you'll be my slaves for the week."

Jihoon crosses his arms as the teo lets go of Chan before going behind Jihoon.

'Guess the two are frighten?'

Chan says to himself as he understood thier sides. Jihoon is a whole new person when his anger had taken the best of him.

Like he's currently brutal now but you're adding up to the anger and problems that you just got in.

"How are you feeling?"

Jihoon asks Chan Calmly as Chan leans back on his bed. "Alive? Surprisingly"

He mutters trying to remember what happened before. He stares at the plain white wall as the sound of the clock ticking began to run through his ears.

"How long had I been asleep?"

"About a week?"

Soonyoung responses making Chan's eyes widen before sitting up on his bed, forcing himself to walk.

"easy there Chan, you just woke up"

Jihoon warns pulling Chan back to his bed. Chan was too weak to fight back so he let his body go with Jihoon as the two sat beside each other.

"We gonna go first, we'll visit you later Chan"

Soonyoung and Seungkwan left the room as tension was built around the room. Jihoon sighs before breaking the silence.

"You okay?"

It was a question that made Chan think quite hard. Was he really okay or was he just forcing himself to he okay?


it was a simple response but both knew that his response was a lie. Jihoon sighs as he grabbed the medicine from his pocket, putting it  in Chan's side.

"drink this later"

Chan hums.

"Still depressed kid?"


Jihoon chuckles at Chan's sarcasm as he ruffles Chan's hair before standing up.

"Chill kid, we're here."

Jihoon remarks before leaving Chan silence upon his statement. He wonders upon how long would they last upon taking care of his state.

He's a depressed teen, not knowing what to do neither has a plan in life. Death is his solution but these 12 men kept on ruining his plans.

He was thankful yet guilty at the same time. They had to take care of him especially now he's weak and triggered.

As thoughts began to surround him, the door was harshly opened revealing Minghao making Chan sut up straight.


"You may had manipulated them but you'll never manipulate me."

Minghao spoke coldly unto him before walking out of the door with a furious look. Minghao's aura somehow had intimate Chan yet he stay numb because of everything.

He knew Minghao would never trust him and he accepts that fact but inside of him, he wonders why did it feel like someone stabbing him with a sword, slowly letting himself bleed to death.

Chan forces a smile as he looks at the door. He smiled not because of Minghao's words but because he knew to himself that everyone was as cruel as his past.

That's why little by little, his trust began to close, his heart began to become numb as his feelings are slowly going away.

Yes, he isn't the type to get hurt easily but he never understood what's happening currently. Is it because he trusted too much? Or because he had gave so much?

He never knew, he just let himself and his mind take over him as he felt nothing but numbness around. Physically, emotionally and mentally.

He used to be a kid with dreams and hope, he envy those who had experience a childhood, he guesses the reason is he never got to experience those things.

He forces a chuckle as he remember his childhood where in he lives with his grandmother, playing around as if he doesn't have any pressure.

How he wishes these days would stay forever.

He's contented currently but he can't help but think about the happy kid he used to be, a kid with no problems, a kid who never experience any pressure, a kid who had many dreams and promises to himself.

The problem is he broke a promise to himself. He wouldn't get to finish the promises he made to himself.

Kind of disappointing, isn't it? Though it's not like we could do anything since life is still cruel like it had always been.

'It's just a challenge' people would say but for Chan, it's a curse. What if he never wanted to m enter this competition of life? Would he even be allowed to back out?

Funny thing, he never understood himself. He felt like a burden to everyone, happiness doesn't last forever and he knows that because he wouldn't get to experience it because of the cruelty that he's currently suffering.

'Dino, I'm sorry for all the trauma's you'd experience"

Chan whispers to himself as a tear drop escaped from his eyes. He felt guilty to his younger self. Being forced and pressured at such a young age.

'Don't worry, we'll find you justice'

He whispers once more as he slowly closes his eyes, letting his thoughts rest.

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