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Nights's POV

As I walked home a fast blur past right by me. And I swear it looked a lot like Aria. Nah, it couldn’t be. Could it? Then I saw my good friend Michael. It seems he’s been running probably, after that person. He stopped for a moment trying to catch his breath. He must have just gotten dumped by a girl and is now trying to get her back. It’s sad but you know things happen. I walked over to him and put my hand on his back.

“Damn! That girl is fast. God, Why? What did I do to deserve this? Why can’t I do anything right? Why is it always me? I mean for pete’s sake I work for you, can you not give me a break? At least this once,” Michael pleaded. Poor guy he must’ve really liked her.

“ Dude, calm down. It’ll be okay, I mean if god wants you two together then he’ll bring you two back together. But, if not then forget about her. There are many fish in the sea. You will find that pearl to your oyster. You will find the peanut to your butter, the bubble to your gum … the... the spear to your mint. And guess what your good friend Night will help you,” I said trying in my own, genius way to help.

He gave me the only face ever. And then he yelled,”You idiot! Aria is running away!”

The only thing I could manage to say was,” What?”


Aria's POV

I have to say it was a rash decision to go so hurriedly but, I have to do this. I have to do this alone and far away from all of you. I have to get rid of Lucifer before it’s too late. I’m going to kill Lucifer once and for all. God, protect me just like you did my sister Jeanne.

Finally! I am at the train station, now all I have to do is choose which city to go to next and then buy myself a train ticket. All that before Michael catches up to me. I looked at the train schedule looking for the next bus out of here. I quickly scanned possible cities and decided. Looks like I will be going down south to New Orleans. A hot pot of culture and voodoo. It will be as good a place as any. Now for the ticket. I walked up to the ticket teller. I looked at her and she seems pretty familiar.

“ Hi, can I get a train ticket for the next train to New Orleans, Please?” I asked her with a small smile.

The girl gave me a disappointed look and shook her head. “ Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. I am so sorry Aria but, I don’t think I can do that,” She replied.

All I could think of was damn it to hell. Then again I may just be going down there once again.


Night's Pov

She’s leaving. But, she can’t. I got to go stop her before it’s too late. Before I knew it I had started to run with Michael right behind me. I got to stop her, I just have to. Before I knew it, we had gotten there and it wasn’t pretty. All the people were unconscious on the floor. Benches and plants were broken. Then there were huge holes and indents in the wall. What the hell happened in here and where’s Aria. I hope she’s okay. Then Michael started looking at all of the people. Probably making sure if they were okay. He then got up and started looking around.

“Aria! Aria! Where are you, Aria?”He yelled.

Then I distinctly saw a persons hand coming out of the hole and then came out the rest of Aria. She doesn’t look okay. She’s all battered up. She was all sweaty and she had so many bruises. Her hair clung to her face, the white dress she was wearing was ripped in a few different places, she was bleeding a lot and she was panting. Worst of all was that she had her scythe out and it seemed to be chafed and bloody with a whole lot of chipped and broken off pieces. It was not pretty.

“I....I......I am over here,”She said. Then all of a sudden she fell or was pulled and then I saw this blonde girl trying to beat Aria up.

Aria then took her scythe and swung it at the girl. Hitting her successfully. She then quickly got up picked the blonde girl up by one hand and pushed her against the wall.


Aria's POV

“Tell me, where is he?”I asked. She wouldn’t talk. She just gave me that annoying smirk of hers.

“Miira, Tell me where Lucifer is and why he’s coming back,” I told her harshly.

She just shook her head. Time for drastic measures.

“Miira, do you know why Lucifer favors me out of all his demonic servants?” I said. She eyed me weirdly and shook her head, trying to seem uninterested, but knowing her of course she’s interested.

“It’s because he made me a demon, He gave me my powers and not only that I was given a power that no other demon has. That power is to extract the soul or life force out of any creature, supernatural or not. Now, Miira, I haven’t used that power in a while... Maybe I  should try it on for size.... on you,” I threatened.

“ You wouldn’t. You don’t have the guts for it,”She replied. She is starting to test my patience.

“Do you really want to take that chance with me. You know what I am capable of. I was the one that created the punishments for those in hell, don’t you know? Then there’s the fact that I am the Queen of the underworld. Do you really want to cross that line Miira?”I suggested.

“Don’t you mean ex-queen of the underworld? Lucifer kicked you out remember?” She reminded me. Oh, hell no!

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