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Night's POV

What! How could this happen?! Is what she said true? Could this really have happened? Why? Why did God let this happen to Aria? And why isn’t anyone denying what she’s saying.

“Aria, that isn’t true! God loves all his children,”Michael yelled. She laughed at him.

“Oh, really! Because I beg to differ! God let me die branded as a witch, servant to the devil and you know the crazy part about that is that it was on my Birthday! When you die on your birthday you know God doesn’t love you! For that day is the anniversary of the day you were created by the almighty! That day symbolizes the day God decided I was a nuisance to him and the world!”Aria yelled back. She’s so filled with despair that she’s crying as she’s forcing herself to remember her horrible past.

Michael stood silent not knowing what to say and it seemed that Lucifer was truly concerned about her well-being. I went over to her and the only thing I could think to do was embrace her hoping she would calm down. She just seemed to get worse though. She ended up coughing up more blood, her hair started turning from black to red to blonde and then her eyes turned from red to lavender. She had her arms around her body. Then Jane pushed me away from Aria.

“You fool! The closer she gets to you the worse she gets! Didn’t you listen to what Lucifer was saying?!”She yelled at me. Now I get scolded, I am not a happy camper.

Jane then started to sing some song that sounded french and Aria started singing with her. That seemed to help Aria a little. She seemed to get a bit of her strength back. She got up and left with Jane by her side. Must be some sisterly bonding. Then they stopped.

“Lucifer and Michael Can you please help stabilize the transformations effect? I ask you for this favor and nothing else,” Aria asked.

Lucifer and Michael conformed to her favor. Even though she didn’t ask me too. I’m going to try my best to help these two find some cure.

Aria's POV

This is so tiring. The yelling, the anger, the hatred. I can’t take this anymore. I  just want to rest in peace once and for all. It’s not going to happen though. I wish.... things could be different. After the arguments and memory relapse at school Jane came with me to my house. She is apparently staying over. I decided that now that I’ve got a bit of strength back I should go to my training room in the basement. As I trained I heard the door open I ignored it. Then I could sense someone come behind me. I stopped briefly then as I turned I kicked the person, but they had grabbed my foot. It was Jane, she then let go of my leg.


Night's POV

“...... Well, that’s not gonna work. Let’s look in the grimoire again there has to be something in here,” Lucifer said after blowing up yet another one of his minions with a “cure”.

I can’t believe it we’ve been at this for awhile now and there’s absolutely nothing in that spell book of his. One million or so years of being the devil and casting evil spells on innocent people and yet not one cure or stabilizer for Aria. How is that even possible?!

“I don’t understand how you create a spell and not have a reverse spell for it or something?” Michael complained as he looked in some of the older Grimoires in Lucifer’s lab of horrors as I put it.

There was some weird things in here like jarred hearts, ravens eyes, raven feathers, and some other things that I just don’t want to mention. This place gives me the creeps. I started looking at all the books on the shelves. One book caught my eye specifically. It was white and the spine had some ancient writing on it. But, the weird thing is I can read it.

“Book of the newly deceased” I read aloud. Then I heard everyone stop.

I ignored it and started looking inside. Each name had a photo, how they died, a summary of their lives. And on some of the people, or souls I should say, there were sticky notes. They had descriptions of spells that could have been or have been used on that person. Then I started to look for Aria’s name. I had then found it, but there was something weird about hers. Her picture was of her being tied to a wooden pole that had logs all around her. It was terrifying. That wasn’t the only picture there was another one this one was a whole lot different. She was smiling in this one.

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