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Night's POV

“Dear video diary . . . It’s already been five … days … and five nights since we’ve ventured on our journey for the antidote … Our food and water supply is starting to go … and I honestly think that Night is going to lose it soon … I’m gonna have to kill him …”

“Lucifer! What the heck are you talking about five days! It’s only been two hours since we left Hell! And what is up with that stupid voice you’re talking in! Oh! and for pete’s sake why in the world would you have to kill Night if he went insane!?”

“Well, I don’t know about you but I am not dealing with some crazy psychopath on this trip! And like you’re one to talk for the first half hour of this trip you started singing some freakin’ hallelujah song at the top of your lungs! Who wants to hear you sing? Nobody wants to hear you sing!”

“Guys! Focus, Now is not the time to fight over petty things. Now let’s go do this for Aria, ”I told the guys. They quieted down at the mention of Aria’s name.

We started back up on our mission. We went on the most terrifying, dangerous, lung-damaging mission and left without a single scratch amazingly. We were already almost done all we needed to know was who exactly her true love was or is. I’m just hoping he ain’t dead but, then again that’s the highest probability of what he’ll be. Well, as long as he’ll cooperate. We’re about to go to her and ask now. Lucifer transported us using the shadows. When I opened my eyes I didn’t expect to see what I saw.

I heard screams and they were Aria’s and Jane’s. Then I saw a dark hole in the middle of the living room floor. Aria was being dragged across the floors by none other than a Sylvia, my girlfriend, who kind of looked like a dark angel at the moment. Then I saw some guy with red hair and blue eyes drag Jane away down the black hole. As I looked at the black hole I saw Arias coffee table fall in.

“Aw, man not my coffee table!” Aria stated clearly annoyed.

“Is that seriously what you’re thinking about?!”Jane yelled. Aria just seemed to laugh nervously.

Lucifer, Michael and I tried to help the girls but, were thrown back by some dark energy. Then I saw Aria and Jane disappear along with the two devils.

“Damn it! I knew they’d rebel but, to kidnap their own queen and her sister, god’s favorite, now what are they planning?”Lucifer grumbled to himself.

“What are you talking about?” I asked. I got up and started looking at the place they had disappeared. The black hole was gone.

“That girl, her name is Sylvia, and that guy, his name is Alexis, there another pair of souls I had taken from the waiting list. After Aria proved the ritual safe I had done the same on them two. They were severely angry with me and planned to exact revenge on me for what I did. The thing is why would they take Jane too?” Lucifer seemed to explain.

“Maybe there plan is to get to you by your most precious thing. But, then there’s the possibility that you’re just there cover story they’re real page filler could really be heaven and hell’s favorites,” I proposed. It makes sense why else would they also go after Jane if their grudge was with Lucifer.

“I think you’re right! Mostly because they’d probably be angry for the same reason Aria is,” Michael added.

“No, I think there's a some deeper meaning to it but, we won’t be able to find out without asking first,”Lucifer also said.

After that conversation I grabbed a metallic baseball bat that, I really don’t know why, was against the wall near the bathroom. Then we transported down to hell with the items in a safe magically-protected bag. When we got there we went down to the devil apartments which if it weren’t all black would probably look nice. Neither of them were there. Then we went to the devils park which has a terrible name because this looks nothing like a park. It looks more like a warzone with lava, an actual sandpit that sucks you in, a stockade, and much more unpark like things.

After that horrific park Lucifer could think of one more place they could’ve taken the girls. We ended up going back to the palace and went through a secret passageway that lead us to a garden. We ended up hearing a woman’s voice arguing with two other people. It was a girl with long brown hair and grassy green eyes she was pretty but, not as pretty as Aria. Those two demons seemed to be tying her up to a metallic chair.

“Sorry, Queen Persephone but, if we let you roam free you’ll just end up helping the favorites. Which I don’t quite understand. That man-stealer Aria doesn’t deserve any help,” Sylvia told her. Persephone just looked away.

The guys and I stepped out and faced the two but, it wasn’t exactly two people more like an army. This doesn’t seem good. Neither do the girls. Arias starting to change again and Jane is starting to get paler by the minute.

Then I saw a demon, Miira. Wait, why do I know her name? Then all of a sudden as I looked at this sight I remembered everything. That time in the park with a blood- stained Aria, that wasn’t our first encounter. We’ve met before in her past. I know who I am now. I am Night Cross, part angel of darkness and part angel of light  and part human. I was under god’s watch at the time as an angel and I was to watch over her... thats when I fell in love with her.

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