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Aria's POV

“You’re not gonna get away with this! You have no idea who you’re messing with!” I yelled trying my best to wriggle out of these ropes. I am currently tied to a chair, what a cliche.

I have a weak body right now and it seems like they know that. Though I could always use my voice. I’d still have that power even if I changed back or became a ghost. But, not now, it’s not the right time. I have to do this with precise timing. I looked over to Jane she had just tripped Sylvia and laughed at her. Sylvia got annoyed and grabbed Janes leg and with crazy strength, threw Jane towards a tree.

“Huh! Serves you right,”Sylvia smirked. I can’t wait to hurt her.

Then I noticed something from the corner of my eye. It was two no, three shadowy figures within the bushes. One figure seperated from the group and went off to help an un-monitored Persephone. The other two figures started to walk towards Jane and I. I think it’s the guys. Thank goodness they’ve come to help us. I reached into the pocket of my nightgown where I had my scythe in mini form. I made sure no one was monitoring me and then took the scythe and started cutting the ropes. In one swipe they were off then my legs.I was about to set myself completely free when someone saw me so I did the only thing I could think to do. I stood up as best I could  without falling on my face that is. Then I did back flip landing on top of the back of the chair. I did another backflip and landed near Jane. Now that there is a good enough distance I cut the rope on my legs. Then I started to feel dizzy. I looked at my hair it’s starting to change again. I fell to my knees and I started getting this killer headache.

“Are you okay?!” I just nodded and started cutting Janes ropes.

When we turned around the guys had already fought a few of the demons. Then I saw someone come up behind them and walk toward me. It was Miira. I made my scythe grow larger and pointed at her. She put her hands up and bowed to me.

“Queen Aria, I’m on your side,”She said simply. I nodded.

Miira may be many things but, she is loyal to the royals. Well, now we have an ally which we could always have. The guys were amazing. But, I can’t see Night. All I see is a guy with a staff, and one black wing and one white wing. He looks familiar. I shook my head and the girls and I went into the fight helping out. It was such a harsh battle. They came from everywhere and it was just pure chaos. I didn’t have a good handle on the fight. I was starting to get even worse as time passed by. Most of the blood around me was mine. As I was fighting I felt dizzy again and my opponent tripped me and I fell. I can’t see very well and then I saw the demon clearly and he was about to chop me down with an axe.

I quickly had my hands up trying to cover my face waiting for the impact but, nothing happened. Then I heard Nights voice. He came to save me, I put my arms down and then I saw the man’s face. That’s when it happened, I started to have my memories flood back. I’ve known Night longer than I thought. He was my guardian angel when I was alive. He promised to always look over me and I now know he has. He told me he loved me and back then I said I did too. I glanced around and it seemed like the army has been taken down but, what about Sylvia and Alexis?

Night held out his hand and smiled at me. I smiled back and was about to take it when I saw Alexis shoot him with a hell gun.

“Nooooooooooo!” Was all I could say as I watched Night fall onto the ground in front of me. Lucifer and Persephone held Alexis down with shackles. Jane and Michael held Sylvia down with shackles.

“Nooo! What have you done?! You shot the wrong person! You shot him!You were supposed to shootthat man-stealing witch! You said you were going to help me get revenge on her and everybody who did us wrong! But, you killed him!” She kept yelling at Alexis. He yelled back at her but, I can’t hear anything.

I crawled over to him and I tried to listen to his heart beat but, it was faint. He’s dying! But, he can’t go I just got him back. He can’t die on me. I started crying on his chest. Then I felt a hand start playing with my hair.

I looked up and saw that it was him. I sat up and wiped away the tears. He stopped playing with my hair and he took my hands in his.

“Such small hands and yet you’ve managed so well. I’ve always admired that about you. How even when you hated someone if they needed your help you’d do your best trying to help them. You’ve always cared about others in a way that no one but, you could do. I’ve loved watching over you for these past years.....”

“Don’t talk like that because then it would really be true. You’d really be leaving me behind. You’d become a ghost but, then so would I. I guess you three didn’t find that cure. We could still be together …” I said trying to hold in the tears but I couldn’t hold them in.

“Come on, Give me that beautiful smile of yours. If I’m going to die that’s the last memory I want to have. I want to have you smiling at me once again,”He told me and I could see him smile through the tears.

Then I felt a hand tap my shoulder. I turned around and it was Miira with a bag. I looked inside and there was the blood of the maiden of hell and the tear of the maiden of the sky.
“It’s the only way you can save him, have him drink both properties and then give him the kiss of true love. But, it’ll only work if you truly love him. It’ll also cure you as well in the process,”Miira said.

I nodded and did as I was told but, as I was about to give him a kiss I noticed he wasn’t breathing anymore. He’s dead. I started to cry uncontrollably. I grabbed his hand and for the first time in years I prayed. I prayed and prayed hoping for some answer. Then I heard a familiar say something. He said “Sing to him, use the voice of healing”. I smiled and wiped my tears. I started to sing.

“ Come with me I’ll show you the way, I’ll show you the way to happiness.

Follow my song and come to me once again. Return to me, my love.

Make my heart skip a beat once again. Tell me everything will.... be okay again.

Tell me you love me one more time....” I stopped it’s still not working.

I was about to give up hope again when all of a sudden I heard him cough. He’s back, he’s back. Then all of a sudden I didn’t feel well. Night saw me and held me in his arms. He looked me in the eyes and smiled. Then he kissed me! He kissed me. I started to feel better. He pulled away.

“I love you, Night! I love you!” I told him with a smile.

“ I love you too, Aria” He replied. I guess there can be real happy endings.

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