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“I don’t understand why this is happening to me?! LET ME GO! Please! Please let me go! I’m not ready to die yet!”The young blonde-haired girl yelled.

“Shut up you filthy wench! We have no need for your services any longer! Besides you’re a filthy witch who has corrupted my son’s mind! You must go to hell for your evil ways!” Her master yelled. He started to tie her to a pole with a pile of logs under it.

“Father, NO! Aria! NO, I won’t let them take you from me!” The girl’s lover yelled for her. He ran to her but, his father dragged him away.

“Alexis, it’s okay. I know I am loved by god. No one can kill me as long as I’m embedded in a persons loving heart. I love you my beloved Alexis,” She shouted lovingly.

The townspeople lit the flame. The last thing you heard from the girl wasn’t her screams of pain or agony, but her song. Her Aria.


Aria's POV

Wow, what a dream! I can’t believe I dreamt about the day I died. I can’t believe I slept at the beginning of my break. Wait, my break! Oh my god! I can’t believe I forgot about Night. I’ve got to go. I grabbed my bag and ran outside. I saw him near the apple trees. I ran over to him and smiled at him.

“Hey, sorry I’m late. I ended up dozing off by mistake,” I apologized.

“No, don’t worry about it. It’s okay, what matters is that you even showed up,” He told me. I couldn’t help, but laugh at that.

We decide to just eat lunch in the park across the street. It was beautiful and we talked a lot. I felt like I was alive again. It reminded me a lot of my first date with Alexis. Then after our little lunch date. I felt like I was floating on air. When I finally got into my room before the bell rang I didn’t feel so good. I’m gonna throw up! I took the small trash can and threw up there. When I looked it was blood. My transformations’ side-effect.

I couldn’t help, but cry in silence on the floor and think to myself “Why me?!”

“Why?! Why can’t I be left alone? Why can’t I be left in peace? I don’t want this! I never wanted this! Why won’t anyone listen to me! Just leave me alone... Leave me in my nightmare,” I yelled.

I’m done... I don’t want this life. This life that has no meaning. I tried to get up but, I stumbled and almost fell but, someone helped me up. I turned around mad and saw that it was Jane. I quickly took a tissue and wiped the tears away. She gave me a sympathetic smile, the same sympathetic smile Jeanne would give me. She was about to say something but, the rest of the class came in before she could. I held my composure for the rest of my classes. Then when school had ended I was sitting in my chair and Jane had stayed behind. I looked at her and I couldn’t help but get mad. She keeps looking at me with eyes full of sympathy. I slammed my hands on the desk, startling her.

“Look, missy I don’t need your goddamn sympathy! I have all the troubles in the world on my shoulders now I don’t need you feeling sorry for me. Got It!?” I’m so angry!

I then grabbed my chair and threw it across the room, I grabbed my emergency sword from under my desk and threw it across the room as well. It ended up getting stuck in the wall. Jane sighed and walked to the sword grabbed by the hilt and pulled it out. She started to admire it then she came in front of me and handed me the sword.

“Aria, you’ve changed a lot after all these years. I remember when you and I would spend our time in the yard looking up at the clouds and when we talk about the future. Now, not only has your appearance changed but, so has your personality. What happened to the blonde lavender-eyed sweet, innocent sister of mine?” She said. She smiled brilliantly when she said it. I guess she does remember who she is, Jeanne d’arc, legendary saviour of France.

“Well, guess what Sister dearest. Hell changes people and so does being transformed....” Before I could finish my sentence I fell on the floor coughing up blood.

I can feel the transformation starting to unravel and it’s painful. It feels like someone is ripping my heart out slowly. Or like I’m being torn apart. I can feel my throat starting to burn.

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