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Aria's POV

Just as I was about to leave, the person I wish I didn’t have to see right now came in through the door. It was Lucifer and he seemed serious. He motioned me to sit down on the bed. He sat across from the bed on my armchair. I then sat down following suit. I’m a bit nervous now.

“ Look, Aria what I did to you before was unforgivable, I understand that now. I am truly sorry. So I want you to please forgive me for what I’ve done. I promise I will love you even more than I did before. Please forgive me my beautiful devil,” He said.

I sighed and looked down at the floor. I don’t know what to say. I know I shouldn’t forgive him but, then he’ll think somethings up. I’ve made up my mind, I’ll say I forgive him and then run off later.

“I forgive you, my love,” I replied. It pained me to say that.

“Good and I promise I will never leave you again,” He told me. Uh Oh looks like this won’t be so easy after all.

2 Years later on Earth

3rd POV

After that conversation with Lucifer, Aria could not find a way out of hell until two years later on her death day/birthday, October 20th. A young woman with raven black hair and blood-red eyes has been taken to the police station by a young man with blonde hair and green eyes.

“Tell me what you did. Then I’ll let you go, okay miss,” The young detective said.

Right now the woman was being interrogated by the young detective. She just gave him a small smile and crossed her arms across her chest.

“ I already told you I didn’t do anything, Mr. detective. How many times will you ask me that question?” She answered.

Unknown POV

Now to all you readers, I bet you don’t know who I am and are probably getting mad because I’m disrupting the story. Sorry, I truly am but I have to say this. Now you see the thing here is that I witnessed this whole story, this tale of differences. I was the person who nobody pays attention to. So, I’ll a mystery to you readers. Now I want you to guess and guess real hard who am I?


Night's POV

“Look, I get it you’re trying to find the killer but it ain’t me, so if you could just let me go. I won’t hurt you,”She said.

“Look, little miss attitude, calm yourself. I’m only interrogating  you it’s not like I’m gonna shoot you or anything. But, you are tempting me, just putting that out there,” I said. I returned her smirk making her get a bit annoyed.

“Well...Well....Well, looks like the little boy knows how to talk tough. Now why am I being accused for this crime?”She asked.

“It’s because you were the person we found on the crime scene. And unless you haven’t noticed you have blood splatters on your white t-shirt, your jeans, your combat boots and theres some in your hair too,” I replied.

“I didn’t kill him. I was trying to help him,”She explained. She’s seriously annoying.

“Liar! All the way to your core,”I replied, I am not falling for any of those obvious lies.

“How do you know?”She asked. When will this girl confess, I swear I’ll shoot something or someone if she comes up with something that drives me insane.

“I could just tell when I look you straight in the eyes,”I told her, let’s see what you has to say about that.

“You haven’t looked me in the eye since you arrested me and took me to the police station to interrogate me,”She countered. Wow, now that I think about it she’s right. What’s up with that?

Then to counter her counter I looked her straight in the eye. Wow, she’s pretty. No, pretty doesn’t cut it. She’s a man’s dream come true. She’s gorgeous! Her beautiful raven hair that’s pulled into a high ponytail and then those loose strands framing her face makes me wonder how she’d look with her hair waving in the bree.... What the hell am I thinking!

“ you...you..you’re pretty,” I stuttered. What the hell is coming out of my mouth!

Then I heard a loud slap in the air. Sounded like it came from the other side of the one-way mirror. Seems like the girl noticed too because she seemed to turn her head slightly in the direction.


Aria's POV

Idiots! I’m in a world full of idiots, I mean really. The nerve of this guy. He accuses me of things I clearly did do and then he tells me I’m pretty. Now I’m flattered believe me I am but, What the hell! I finally manage to get out of hell for a reason I barely remember and then when I’m in the middle of my mission I get caught. By the cops no less. It just had to be the cops didn’t it, just had to be. Just had to be, didn’t it, God. Oh, well, at least I met a cute guy. I mean he’s the cop that arrested me but, he’s still cute. This is gonna be one long night.

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