Chapter 2

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     The month went by quickly. Before Jane knew it, it was two days before the wedding. Jane went to fittings with Caroline and was fitted for the dress Caroline picked out.  Caroline's friend, Natalie, kept the dress she was going to wear to her wedding to Joshua.

     Jane grew nervous as the wedding approached. She confided to her married friend, Shirley Frederick, about her fears.

     "It is natural to be nervous, " Shirley said. "I was nervous about my wedding as well."

     "Yours was a love match," Jane said. "What was to be nervous about?"

     "I worried if I was going to be a good wife," Shirley said. "I was also worried that I would not get along with my mother-in-law."

     'Your mother-in-law adores you," Jane said. "I doubt I would be seeing Mrs. Henderson that much. I like to think I will be a good wife. I am more afraid about being a good mother."

     "You will do well," Shirley assured her. "I know how much you love children."

     "I also fear that Philip would hate me forever when he finds out that he married the wrong sister," Jane said.

     "People tend to find it hard to dislike you," Shirley said. "I am sure Mr. Treyane will be angry, but I doubt he would hate you."

     "I pray you are right," Jane said.

     Shirley put her hand on her round belly. She was expecting her second child. Her son, Daniel, was with his father.

     "How are you feeling?" Jane asked.

     "Like I am about to explode," Shirley said, laughing. "I cannot wait for the baby to be born."

     "Do you hope it is a girl?" Jane asked.

     "I will be happy with whatever God decides to give me," Shirley said. "Dennis said that if it is a boy, we will keep trying until we get a girl."

     Jane laughed. Her fears had eased somewhat since voicing them to Shirley. She decided to take one day at a time.

     Across town, Philip was also at his fitting. Joshua was with him. Even though they were best friends, Joshua never told Philip that he was in love with Caroline. Having never been in love, Philip couldn't recongnize the signs. Joshua felt horrible about taking Caroline away from him, but Joshua knew that he would be miserable without her. He hoped Philip would forgive him and would someday understand.

     "Are you nervous about your wedding?" Joshua asked.

     "No," Philip said. "It seems more of a business arrangement."

     "Have you ever want to be in love when you are married?"

     "I have done fine without love from my parents. I will be fine without the love of a woman. As long as she treats the girls with love, I am content."

     Joshua shook his head. "If this marriage is what you want, I will stand by you," he said.

     Philip clapped his hand on Joshua's shoulder. "You have been like a brother to me," he said. "Thank you for your friendship."

     Let us hope you feel the same way in two days, Joshua thought.

     The day of the wedding dawned sunny. Jane woke up as the sun shone through her window. She shifted onto her back. She put her hands behind her head and stared at the ceiling. A million thoughts ran through her head. Will she be a good wife? Will she be a good mother? Will his sisters like her? Will Philip hate her forever for deceiving him? Will she be happy with her choice?

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