Chapter 7

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     At six o'clock that evening, Samson announced that John Thomas had arrived. The children had already eaten and were playing in the nursery. Philip and Jane met John in the hallway. He was very friendly. She liked him instantly.

     "I have met your parents," John said. "Everyone could tell that they fell in love the instant they met."

     She smiled. "We used to love listening about how they met when we were children," she said.

     When Gabby was seventeen, her sister became engaged to Ronald Wilson. On the eve of the wedding, the bride's family met Ronald's brother, nineteen year old Stuart. Gabby instantly fell in love. She liked how his eyes sparkled when he laughed. He was friendly and very gentle toward other creatures. Stuart also fell in love instantly. She was kind and slightly shy. They began courting not long after the wedding. Two years later, Gabby and Stuart were married.

     "Not many couples these days can say they married for love," John said.

     Samson announced that supper was ready. John escorted Jane to the dining hall. The first course was served a couple of minutes later. John looked at Jane who was sitting to his right.

     "Philip told me that he was engaged to your sister," he said. "When she wished to marry another, you took her place unbeknownst to anyone."

     "She would have been unhappy to wed anyone who wasn't her true love," Jane said. "I wouldn't want anyone in my family to be unhappy. Knowing that because of my age I would have no prospects, I willingly changed places with my sister so that she could marry Mr. Owen."

     "I dare say you are very loyal and devoted to your family to make that sacrifice," John said. "Admirable quality in any wife."

     Jane blushed.

     "Tell me a little about yourself, Lady Treyane," John said.

     "Please," she said, laying a hand on his arm. "Call me Jane. I am the eldest of five children. I love to read and write. When I was unmarried, I helped our physician because he is getting on in years. I have mended broken bones and been a midwife during a couple of births."

     John looked at Philip. "You are a lucky man indeed, Philip," he said. "Your wife is delightful."

     Philip nodded. "Thank you, John," he said. "I am very lucky to have married Jane."

     Jane smiled shyly at her husband. After dinner, Philip and John retired to the parlor for a smoke and brandy. Jane went up to the nursery. The girls were getting ready for bed.

     "I have come to tuck you in," she said.

     "Where is Philip?" Elizabeth asked as she climbed into bed.

     "In the parlor with Mr. Thomas," Jane said.

     The wind rattled the windows. Jane walked over to the window. "It looks like it may storm," she said. She closed the draperies.

     "I hate storms," Elizabeth said. "They scare me and I cannot sleep."

     Jane walked over to tuck her in. "If you get scared throughout the night, you may come into my bedchamber," she said. She kissed her on the forehead.

     After reading the girls a story, she left the room. She checked on Anna to make sure she was asleep. Jane went to her room and got ready for bed. As she climbed into bed, she could hear the distant rumble of thunder.

     "Oh, dear," she said to herself as rain began to lash the window. "I hope the girls will be all right."

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