Chapter 11

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A month later

     Philip awoke at the sound of Jane vomiting into a chamber pot. Ever since that night in his study, he had taken to sleeping in her room. Jane stood up and walked over to the basin. She filled it with water. She washed her face. Then she rinsed out her mouth. She got back into bed.

     "Are you all right?" he asked.

     She nodded. She had been nauseated for the past few days. She assumed she had the flu. She pulled the covers over herself. She laid on her stomach. She laid her head on Philip's stomach. He stroked her hair.

     "When are Joshua and Caroline coming?" he asked.

     "Seven thirty," she said. "Supper has already been planned."

     They fell asleep again.

     Across town, Alyssia was awaken by a knock on her door. Her servant opened it.

     "There is a Mr. Jeremy Shelton to see you in the parlor, madam," he said.

     "I shall be down in a couple of minutes," she said.

     He nodded and left the room. Ten minutes later, she went into the parlor. Jeremy stood up as she walked in. He took her hand and kissed the back of it. They sat down and a servant brought in tea.

     "Why are you here so early?" she asked.

     "There is a slight change in our plans," he said. "I have been informed that Philip no longer sleeps in his chambers. For the past month he has been in Jane's. So there is no way we can make her believe that he slept with you."

     "So now what do we do?" she asked.

     "I will send an invitation to Jane to ride with me tomorrow morning," he said. "You write a note to Philip pretending to be Jane. You will tell him that she decided that she did not love him and she ran away with me. I will take her to an abandoned cottage. Once she realizes that he won't come for her, she will get a divorce and marry me."

     She smiled. "Poor Philip," she said. "He will need comfort after he thinks his wife left him. I will be the one to console him."

     They toasted each other and drank their tea. They were very happy with their plan. What could go wrong?

     Philip and Jane woke up again after ten. He left the house to visit town. Jane was getting her hair done by Betsy when she felt the urge to vomit. She quickly ran to the chamber pot. When it was over, Betsy helped her to the bed. Jane wiped her face.

     "Are you all right, my lady?" Betsy asked.

     Jane nodded. "I wish this flu would go away," she said.

     "If I may ask, my lady," Betsy said. "When was your last monthly flux?"

     Jane looked at her in surprise. "I am not sure," she said. She thought for a moment. "Last month I suppose."

     "How long have you been throwing up? And when?"

     "A week and in the morning."

     "Do your breasts feel tender?"

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