Chapter 6

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     The next morning, Jane woke up late. She opened her eyes to find Philip's side of the bed cold. She frowned. She had hoped he would still be in bed when she woke up. As long as she could remember, her parents got up in the morning together. She arched her body, her hands touching the headboard. Her thighs and the area between them were sore.

     There was a knock at the door. Her heart leaped. "Come in!" she said, hoping it would be Philip.

     The door opened and one of the maids, Bridget, came in carrying a tray of food. "Cook told me to bring you something to eat, miss," she said.

     Jane tried to keep the disappointment from showing on her face. "Thank you, Bridget," she said. "I do feel a little hungry."

     Bridget put the tray on Jane's lap. She bowed and left the room. As Jane ate her eggs, there was another knock on the door. Despite herself, she again hoped it was Philip. Instead, it was Lauren. She was smiling.

     "Hello," she said. "Did you sleep well? How are you feeling?"

     "Better," Jane said. "How did you like the ball? Did you dance with anyone besides my brother?"

     "The ball was wonderful," Lauren said. She plopped onto the bed. "I danced with three other boys. Jonathan and I sat and talked. I felt like I have known him all my life. We have quite a lot in common. He escorted me to the door when your parents took me home."

     Lauren couldn't stop smiling and Jane thought there was a certain glow about her.

     "You like my brother quite a bit," she teased.

     Lauren blushed. "He is very sweet and handsome," she said. "I felt very comfortable with him."

     "I am glad," Jane said. "I was hoping you two would get on well."

     "Thank you so much for introducing us," Lauren said. She threw herself at Jane and hugged her.

     Jane smiled. "You're welcome," she said, patting her on the back.

     Lauren left the room. Jane finished her breakfast. Bridget came back to the room. Jane got out of bed. Bridget helped her get dressed.

     "You look well rested if I may say so, ma'am," she said.

     "Thank you," Jane said. "Is my husband at home?"

     "Yes, ma'am," Bridget said. "He is checking on the dinner for tonight. Mr. Thomas will be joining you."

     "Oh, yes, that is right," Jane said. "I had forgotten."

     Bridget smiled. After Jane was finished getting dressed, Bridget brushed her hair. She braided it in a French braid. Jane dismissed her. Bridget took the breakfast tray and left the room. Jane looked at herself quickly in the mirror. She went to the nursery. Lauren was sitting at her desk, writing on a leaf of paper. Nicole and Elizabeth were learning how to add numbers. Betsy was rocking Anna as she watched.

     Philip had hired a new governess the day before he got married. Her name was Claudia Herandez. She was in her fifties and very kind. She wore her black hair in a bun. Her hazel eyes watched the girls as they did their arithmetic.

     Jane smiled and left the room. She heard a knock on the front door. She walked down the staircase as Samson opened the door. Jeremy stood on the front steps.

     "Hello, sir," Samson said. "May I help you?"

     Jeremy was about to answer when he caught sight of Jane. He broke into a smile. "Hello, Jane," he said.

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