Chapter 9

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     The night of the Countess' party came faster than Jane would have liked. She wanted to look her best for when she met the woman face to face. She wore a pink gown (pink looked best on her) and had her hair up in curls. As the carriage traveled to Alyssia's mansion, Jane fidgeted with her hands. Philip took one of her hands and kissed her palm.

     "It will be all right, my love," he said. "I promise."

     She nodded, not trusting herself to speak. In what seemed like seconds, the carriage arrived. Philip got out first. Jane stepped out next. He tucked her arms through his. She clutched his arm tightly. A butler opened the door as they walked up the front steps. The house was already crowded.

     They were there for ten minutes when they heard a woman's voice, "Philip Treyane!"

     They turned to see a red haired woman hurry toward them. She wore a green low cut gown and her hair loose. She beamed at Philip.

     "Hello, Countess Johnson," Philip said, bowing.

     "Tsk, tsk, Philip," she said cheerfully. "I told you to call me by my first name, I was excited to receive your reply to my invitation. I missed you." She gave him her hand to kiss.

     "Alyssia, may I present my wife, Jane Treyane," he said. "Formally Miss Wilson."

     Alyssia turned to Jane. Her smile faded. Her eyes traveled down her body and back up again. "Oh, yes," she said dryly. "I heard from Jeremy Shelton that you were married a couple of months ago."

     An hour later, supper was called. Philip ended up sitting next to Alyssia. To his relief, Jane sat next to an elderly woman and a young man named Stephan Griffin. Jeremy had met up with them ten minutes earlier and was flirting with Jane. She and Stephan had started a conversation on literature.

     "While I was in Ireland, I couldn't stop thinking about you," Alyssia said to Philip. "Remember how you told me that you wouldn't have an affair with me because I was married?"

     Philip sighed inwardly. "Unfortunately yes," he said.

     "Since my husband died, I have been lonely," she said. "I thought maybe since I am a widow, we could start a relationship. I want you in my bed." She slipped her hand on his thigh under the table.

     "My answer is no," he said, brushing her hand away. "I am married."

     She frowned. "Don't tell me you enjoy having her in your bed," she said. "She cannot satisfy a man like you."

     "I do," he said. "And she does."

     Jane watched Alyssia whisper in Philip's ear. Anger swelled in her breast. She wished supper would end so Alyssia would stop pawing her husband. It seemed like hours before the last course was taken away. Philip walked over to Jane.

     "The men are going to the parlor for a smoke," he said. "I will be back shortly."

     She nodded. He kissed her hand. After he left, she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned to see Shirley standing behind her. Jane hugged her.

     "How is the baby?" Jane asked.

     Shirley had her baby a couple of weeks after Jane's wedding. "He is wonderful," she said, beaming with pride. "You should come by to see him."

     "As soon as I can," Jane said.

     The room they were in was loud so they moved to another room off to the right. No one else was there. There wasn't a door, but most of the sounds were muffled.

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