Chapter 8

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     Her body sagged against his. He lifted her to lay her on the bed. She whimpered in protest. She wanted to stay in his arms. He kissed her lips.

     "I must get dressed," he said.

     He got off the bed and gathered his clothes. She watched him as he got dressed. She liked how the sun played across his skin, showing off his rippling back and strong legs. He turned and saw her staring at him. He smiled. He went over to the bed.

     "You better get up, lazy bones," he said. "Or we may be late."

     "Can we not just stay in bed?" she asked.

     "As tempting as that sounds," he said, "I thought you wanted to see your sister."

     She pouted. He laughed. He climbed onto the bed. He laid on his side and leaned over her. He pressed his lips to hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck. He placed her right leg over his hip. He slid his hand down from her knee to her buttock. He grounded his lower body against hers. She gasped at the feeling of fabric between her thighs. She pressed her body tightly to his. He pulled away. He looked at her. Her eyes were dark with desire. Her lips were wet and swollen.

     "We must get ready or we will definitely be late for supper," he said.

     She reluctantly pulled away. After he left the room, she ordered a bath to be brought up. She slowly washed away the scent of him and their lovemaking from her skin. After she washed, she laid in the bathtub warm and content. Betsy entered the room ten minutes later to help her get dressed. At five minutes to six, Jane met Philip at the bottom of the stairs.

     Since Joshua's house was only four houses down, Philip and Jane walked. She slipped her hand into the crock of his arm. They walked slowly and she enjoyed the sights. She turned to him.

     "It is pretty out here," she said.

     "The sun is hot," he said. "You probably should have brought an umbrella to protect your beautiful face."

     She blushed and ducked her head. "I enjoy the feel of the sun," she said.

     Soon they were at the Owen house. A butler let them in just as Caroline got to the top of the stairs in the entrance hall.

     "Jane!" she squealed.

     She ran down the stairs and enveloped Jane into her arms. "Oh, how I missed you!" she said.

     Jane laughed. "I missed you, too," she said. "How was your journey?"

     "Enjoyable," Caroline said. "Greta Green is beautiful. Everyone was so very nice."

     "I thought I heard someone at the door," Joshua said, coming from a room off to the left. He grinned at Philip. "Thank you for accepting the invitation," he said. "I wasn't sure if it would have been welcomed."

     Jane looked at him in surprise. "Why ever not?" she asked.

     "Considering Caroline was Philip's bethroned and I stole her away from him," Joshua said.

     "If you would have told me that you had feelings for Caroline, I would have stepped aside," Philip said. "But let us not worry about the past. It worked out in the end for both of us."

     Jane smiled up at him as he put his arm around her waist. Caroline saw the look on her sister's face. She seemed to glow with happiness. Caroline made a mental note to talk to Jane after supper. The couples went to the parlor to talk while they waited for supper to be announced. Joshua and Caroline talked about their journey to Greta Green. Jane was glad that her sister was very happy.

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