Chapter 4

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     Philip came home as everyone was being seated for supper. Both Nicole and Elizabeth was wearing their new dresses. The girls talked about their shopping trip. Philip was surprised to hear that the younger girls got dresses.

     "I thought I only gave you enough for Lauren," he said.

     Jane blushed. "I had my own money," she said.

     "Is it from your allowance?" Lauren asked.

     Jane shook her head. "I have had a couple of stories published in a newspaper," she said. "But under a male name."

     Everyone looked at her wide eyed. Jane turned red with embarrassment. She ducked her head and stared at her plate. They ate in silence.

     "I want to be a writer."

     Lauren was the one to break the ice. Her sisters and brother stared at her in shock. They never knew that about her.

     "When did you decide this?" Philip asked.

     "A couple of years ago," she said. "I never told anyone."

     "Can I read one?" Elizabeth asked.

     "Maybe later," Lauren said.

     After dinner, Jane went into the library. She picked out a book and sat down in a chair. She read a couple of chapters before Lauren came into the room.

     "Jane?" she said. "Would you read one of my stories? I am not sure if my writing is any good."

     "Sure," Jane said. She put the book down.

     Lauren waited anxiously as Jane read. She gripped her hands together tightly until her knuckles were white. Jane put the papers down onto her lap. She smiled when she saw Lauren's hands. She put her hand over hers.

     "The story is very good," Jane said. "The spelling could use some work, but everything else is very good."

     Lauren smiled. She took her papers. "Thank you," she said.

     "You're welcome," Jane said. She watched as Lauren walked out of the room. Jane went back to her book.

     The day of the ball came quickly. Jane wore a blue off-the-shoulder dress with a white shawl. Jane helped Lauren dress.

     "I am a little nervous," Lauren admitted as Jane did her hair. "I have never been to a ball before. What if no one asks me to dance?"

     "I was nervous for my first ball as well," Jane said. "It is natural. You are a pretty girl. I doubt you will have problems finding a dance partner."

     Lauren blushed. "Did you have many suitors before you married Philip?" she asked.

     "No," Jane said. "I had a few suitors, but no marriage proposals. I am... or should I say was... considered a spinster because no woman married if she was past the age of twenty-three."

     After Jane was finished with Lauren's hair, they were ready to go to the ball. Philip was waiting for them at the bottom of the stairs. He smiled when he saw how pretty Lauren looked. He couldn't believe how grown up she was.

     "The carriage is ready," he said.

     When they got to the place the ball was being hosted at, Jane looked for her family. Her face lit up when she saw her brother, Jonathan, dancing with a brown haired girl. She waited until the song was over before going to him.

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