Chapter 12

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     Back at the manor, there was a knock on the door. Samson opened it to reveal Alyssia. Hiding his dislike, he stepped aside to let her in.

     "Is Philip available?" Alyssia asked.

     "Yes, madam," Samson said. "Shall I announce you?"

     "Yes," she said.

     She watched him as he walked away. After making sure he was out of sight, she looked at the table next to the door. There was letters that had arrived for the day. She put the letter she wrote pretending to be Jane on top of the pile. She quickly moved away when she heard footsteps. Samson came back into the hall, followed by Philip.

     "Hello," Philip said, surprised to see her. "What do I owe this pleasure?"

     "I wanted to see your wife and apologize for my conduct at my party," she lied.

     "My wife is out at the moment," Philip said. "She should be back soon. Would you like to wait in the parlor?"

     "Yes," she said.

     Philip and Alyssia went into the parlor. Samson came in five minutes later, bringing tea and the platter of letters. Alyssia felt her heart pound as she watched Philip pour out tea. Philip picked up the top letter. She watched as he opened and read it.

     Philip felt his heart stop as he read the letter. Dear Philip, I am sorry but I cannot stay in this marriage. I do not love you. I have fallen in love with Jeremy Shelton. I have agreed to run away with him. Please do not try to find me. Respectfully yours, Jane.

     The world seemed to fade around him. I cannot believe this, he thought. She told me that she loved me. She told me that Jeremy could not turn her from me.

     Alyssia watched as shock, disbelief flicker across his face. This is it! she thought excitedly. He believes that Jane has left him. Soon he will be mine.

     It took Philip five minutes before he heard the commotion going on in the hall. A young boy burst into the room. He quickly walked over to Philip. He struggled to slow down his breathing.

     "Sir," Gabe said. "Sir, you must come quickly."

     Philip looked up as Samson walked into the room. "Who is this?" he asked.

     "His name is Gabe, sir," Samson said. "He is the son of one of the grooms in the stable."

     Philip looked at Gabe. "What is wrong?" he asked.

     "I followed Lady Jane as she rode with a man because I did not like the look of him," Gabe explained. "It started to rain so Lady Jane and the man rode to a shack. I overheard him tell her that there was a plot for him to steal Lady Jane away. She tried to escape but he tied her to a bed."

     "Are you sure about what you heard?" Philip said. "I have a letter from her saying that she was leaving."

     "I heard the man tell Lady Jane that he had her write you a letter," Gabe said, pointing at Alyssia.

     Philip looked at Alyssia. He saw her go pale. Anger bubbled up inside him. He picked up the letter. "Did you write this?" he asked.

     Alyssia swallowed. "Y-yes," she said.

     "Why?" he said, trying to refrain from yelling.

     "Jeremy came to me saying that he had a plot to steal Jane away from you," she said. "Somehow he heard about the thousand pounds that you will receive upon your year of marriage. He owed money due for a gambling debt. I agreed to help him because I thought if you thought Jane had left you, you would turn to me for comfort."

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