Chapter 3

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     Both passengers were silent for most of the trip. Philip stared out his window. Jane took the time to study her new husband. At the age of twenty-eight, he in good shape. He had a strong jaw. Her gaze went to his upper body. His shoulders were broad, his arms muscular. His legs were also muscular. Jane ran what she knew about him in her mind.

     Upon the age of eighteen, he inherited the title of viscount. His father's family had made it by shipping goods back and forth between countries. His father was an only child. His grandparents died during a boat accident. On Philip's mother's side, he had one uncle. He was close with his uncle, Eric. Eric was married with three children.

     "Will your sisters be there when we arrive?" Jane asked. "How old are they?"

     "I know not if they will be there," he said, not looking at her. "But if I know my mother, they are. Lauren is sixteen, Elizabeth ten, and Nicole four."

     She nodded even though she knew he didn't see her. "How old is your daughter?" she asked.

     "Anna is four weeks," he said.

     She turned to look out the window. Philip's home loomed in the distance. She watched as they came closer. As the carriage rolled through the gate, Jane saw a line of people in the drive in front of the house. She assumed they were servants. Three children stood in front of one woman. The oldest girl seemed to be holding something in blankets. They must be my new sisters-in-law, Jane thought.

     The carriage came to a stop. A tall man came up to it and opened the door.

     "Welcome home, sir," he said.

     "Thank you, Samson," Philip said, stepping out of the carriage. "Everyone, I would like you to meet my new wife, Lady Jane."

     Jane stepped out of the carriage with the help of Samson. She faced the servants. "Hello, everyone," she said.

    The servants bowed and curtsied. "Welcome, Lady Jane," they said.

     The three children walked up to Jane.

     "Welcome, Jane," the girl who looked the oldest said. "I am Lauren."

     "I am Elizabeth," she said.

    "And I am Nicole," the smallest said.

     Jane smiled at them. "Thank you for your welcome," she said.

     "This is Anna," Lauren said, showing Jane what she was holding in her arms.

     Jane looked down at the infant. Anna had the most beautiful blue eyes Jane had ever seen. Anna also had a full head of blonde hair. Jane felt her heart melt. She fell instantly in love with the baby.

     "Would you like to hold her?" Lauren asked.

     Jane looked at Philip. He slightly nodded his head. She took Anna from Lauren. She settled her in the crook of her arm. Philip introduced the servants to Jane. There were a lot of names to remember and she vowed to have them memorized soon.

     "Is Lady Jane's chambers ready?" Philip asked Samson once the introductions were over.

     Samson nodded. He turned to Jane. "Shall I show you to your quarters?" he asked.

     She nodded. She reluctantly handed Anna back to Lauren. She grabbed a couple of her hat boxes and followed Samson. The servants went back to work. Elizabeth came up to Philip.

     "I thought you were going to marry Miss Caroline," she said.

    "Jane took her place," Philip said.

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