Chapter 10

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     It was noon before Jane and Philip left her room. The children were in the dining room, eating a snack. Lauren gave Jane a knowing smile as she sat down. Jane blushed.

     "How was the party?" Lauren asked.

     Philip looked at Jane. "It was all right," he said. "It was boring actually."

     Elizabeth noticed a sad look on Jane's face. "Is something the matter, Jane?" she asked.

     "Countess Johnson said some mean things about her," Philip said gently.

     "What did she say?" Nicole asked.

     "I do not think Jane wants me to-" Philip started.

     "It is all right, Philip," Jane cut in. "You can tell them."

     "She called Jane chubby," Philip said.

     The girls looked at Jane. She gave them a small smile.

     Lauren threw her napkin down. "That stupid old witch!" she said.

     "Lauren!" Philip said in disbelief. He stared at her.

     "Well, it is true," Lauren said, folding her arms across her chest. "I never liked her."

     Nicole got up and went over to Jane. "I think you are very beautiful," she said. "You are not chubby at all."

     Jane's eyes filled with tears. She pulled Nicole onto her lap. "Thank you, Nicole," she said. She hugged her.

     Philip smiled. As he watched, he had a flash. Jane was cradling a little girl with auburn hair and hazel eyes. The girl had Philip's nose and Jane's smile. His heart clenched with longing. He wondered if they had made a child together yet. They sure made love enough times so far. He vowed to be on the look-out for any changes in her body. Jane kissed Nicole's cheek and slid her off her lap. The children went back to the nursery to continue their lessons. Philip and she ate lunch.

     Afterwards, he stood up and walked over to her. "I have to oversee the construction of the garden," he said. "Why don't you visit your parents? I'm sure they miss you."

     She looked up at him. "All right," she said. "I will leave after I talk to Cook about tonight's supper."

     "I will have Maxwell bring the carriage around to the front," he said. He bent down and kissed her.

     "May I bring Anna?" she asked. "It has been awhile since they had a baby in the house. I'm sure my mother would love to meet her."

     He knelt down in front of her. "You are Anna's mother now," he said. "You do not have to ask permission. You can take her anywhere you desire."

     She smiled and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around her waist to scoot her forward on her seat. Her legs parted to make room for him to come between them. She sighed softly against his mouth. She slipped her hands into his hair and massaged his scalp. He nibbled on her lower lip. He reluctantly pulled away.

     "We better stop or no one will see us again until supper," he said.

     She shivered slightly with excitement. She didn't mind spending the day in bed with him, but she also wanted to see her parents. He stood up and helped her from her chair. He walked off to summon the carriage while she went into the kitchen. After planning the three courses, she went into the nursery to get Anna.

     The ride took twenty minutes. As she was getting out of the carriage, the front door flung open. She saw Diane running toward her.

     "Jane!" she cried.

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