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Most of Jin's flashbacks are set in the past around the time he and Yi were around 10 and 11 years.

Chapter 3

Around 10 pm Jin was inside his bedroom unpacking his clothes from his suitcase he had lied on the floor. He removed a few small piles of pants out of his suitcase and lied them on his bed, then took the next pile of shirts and placed them next to the pants. Jin yawned as he picked up the next pile, afterward he placed them on his bed again, followed by a bunch of socks. Jin yawned again this time covering his mouth, therefore he took out a pair of red sneakers out from his luggage and from under his bed he had two large drawers, which he pulled back one after each other, then took a look on the Interieur, which contained several pairs of shoes, a few half-full perfume bottles and a few white sheets hidden under the shoes. Jin puffed at the mess he had left in the drawers, then took out two pairs of shoes placing them on the ground next to each other.

Behind him on the door appeared a tall woman with a white blouse and black pants.

"I saw a few weeks ago into your drawers and I left them like that. Maybe you should see, if you could give any of the shoes away to your cousin or for donation" The mother suggested.

"Yeah sure mom, there are some that don't even fit anymore," Jin said picking out a pair of converse shoes, which were a little smaller than the other shoes. "And I might check these perfume bottles in there. I don't remember having them in here"

"I go see if I find a bag for it" The mother of Jin announced walking away while the teen kept looking inside the drawer for more objects he wouldn't need. He picked out a drawing, which had two stick figures drawn on it one of them wearing blue pants and a gray shirt while the other character wore a red t-shirt and knee-length jeans. The characters resembled a younger version of Jin and Yi, then Jin smiled as he realized that this drawing was done by Yi when she was younger. Jin turned the sheet around to see a note in capital letters on the corner of the sheet.

"Promise me, we will always be friends no matter what happens."

Under the comment with a dark blue color, there was a shorter sentence, which Jin recognized as its own handwriting when he was shorter due to the calligraphy be a little less legible than Yi's. "I promise" He read on the sheet, then smiled at the sheet and sat down on the floor gazing at the drawing, then lied it on the bed and looked down at the drawer at the shoes he had in there. In there he came across a small envelope with a couple of photos, which he took out so see all of them, were from the past as he was a child.

"I think mom could need them on her photo album," He told himself placing the envelope back on the bed, afterward he took a bottle of perfume out and a pair of shoes out then noted far behind the drawer was a small, beige-colored envelope under a shoe, where it had hanzi characters on it and Jin reached his arm into the drawer to grab the envelope then he saw the letter had written Yi's name on it. Jin widened his eyes as he remembered what kind of letter it was and had a flashback of his childhood together with Yi.

A younger Jin dressed in a tang suit consisting of white pants and a red shirt stood in front of the door of an apartment near his, then the boy knocked on the door waiting for someone to open the door. The door was opened by a young woman with a ponytail, which looked around, then moved her eyes down to see the young boy standing in front of her.

"Yi your friend Jin is here," The mother told looking into the living room to see Yi sit in front of the dinner table along with her father and grandmother playing Mahjong.

"Hey, Jin!" Yi greeted excited to see her best friend, while the father waved at the young boy, that entered the living room heading to the table to meet his friend.

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