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This track doesn't exist in real life. It's just fanon. (But would be cute though) Night sledding on the other hand exists.

Chapter 23

Later on that night, the Haas family together with Jin and Yi were out together on the hills all dressed up warm pulling in duo a sled behind them the hills up following a few other tourists, that were also present.

"Many of the riders seem to be younger than our parents" Yi mentioned looking at Jin, which walked beside her pulling together with her their sled.

"There are also a few under them, that seem to be in our age" Jin asserted watching a few persons behind them, most of them being from Asian descendants. "I think that guy over there is in my school" Jin mentioned looking back to a blonde young man walking together with a raven-haired girl.

"And the girl next to him is the girlfriend then?" Yi asked watching Jin shrug his shoulders.

"I never saw her in my life" Jin mentioned.

"Hey I've never asked this before, but where are you two originally from?" Mrs. Haas asked gazing at Jin and Yi. "I mean from where from China did you get here, where we are"

"Shanghai" Yi answered. "We grew up there"

"During the time we're at university, we live at the campus near our school in Beijing. We only manage to see our families on the school vacation," Jin told the family. "Most of the times, when it was possible I phoned with my parents or video called"

"And I did the same with mine" Yi added. "They tried their best to motivate me through the hardest times and so did I"

"Talking about that, the day I had to leave, my mom took me to the train station and she couldn't stop hugging me and spreading kisses all over my face" Jin mentioned a little embarrassed making Yi and Sonja laugh.

"You're still her baby boy, Jin" Sonja mentioned earning a nod from Yi.

"I'm an only child and she would be the rest of the time alone after I leave"

"I shared a long goodbye with my mother and grandmother. It was a painful moment, even for me" Yi confessed earning a nod from the parent.

"Thinking about this, we should at least spend a bit family time with our parents since we're off school" The raven-haired boy pointed out earning a nod from his crush.

"Yes, but we've been away for days and we haven't done anything with them together" Yi mentioned. "We should take care of that when we get back to Shanghai"

"Yes I agree"

"Are we there yet?" Ben asked looking up the hill seeing, that there were getting slowly closer to their destination.

"We're almost there Ben" The father answered.

"The ride will be amazing, I can assure it," Sonja said placing her hand on her brother's shoulder.

"I hope the whole walking up of the hills will be worth it," Jin mentioned. "Not complaining about being tired or anything, but from stomping into the snow during the walk it's a little exhausting"

"Don't worry, it will be worth it" Mr. Haas commented looking at Jin, who nodded.

"We have the luck here, that we had a lift up half of the hill," The wife of Mr. Haas mentioned.

"We're almost.......almost....almost........there" Ben hinted as they were close to the top. "We're here!" Ben shouted stopping together with his sister on the top of the hill followed by the others.

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