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Chapter 25

In the afternoon after Lunch Yi sat together with Peng on the outside of the hotel on the stairs. Yi was on the phone talking with her mother, while Peng had a comic book in his hands.

"I miss you too, mom, we're really looking forward in coming back the next few days," Yi said.

"Alright, Yi. Be careful out there and make sure Peng is okay. I know Jin's mom already said this, but you know he's a child" 

"Peng is maturer than we think he is....... Jin and I don't really need to have our eyes to 100% on him all the time,"

"That sounds good. Please call me, whenever you need something,"

"Sure mother, thank you," Yi said turning the call off, then she gazed at Peng, which was reading a comic book. "Where did Jin go?"

"I don't know" Responded Peng. "He said something with going to visit a medical school in the near"

"Okay," Yi answered. "A little strange, what's so special at a med school in another country?"

"I don't know" Peng replied. "Jin told me to say that"

"So......he's not really going there isn't he?" Yi asked changing her neutral facial expression into a self-assured smirk.

"I don't know, what you're talking about. He simply told me I should say that. If he has specifically said this to keep something secret from us, I have no clue about it"

"Okay, I won't bother you anymore with this," Yi stated crossing her arms and look down at the streets watching the vehicles pass by the street. "I still can't believe we're going to the Himalayas,"

"Me neither" Peng agreed. "Do you think we will see Everest there?"

"You know, how great that would be" Yi confessed. "It's strange but I miss the days we passed all together with him,"

"I enjoyed the times we played together with Everest on the trip. He was like the friend I couldn't find during summer vacation" The child mentioned earning a nod from the teenage girl.

"When we're up there and meet Everest we can all play together with him. Who knows maybe he's a grown yeti now and has his own litter"

"That would be cute, but wasn't he supposed to be a child?" Peng questioned the girl, which shrugged her shoulders.

"We humans age different from the animals. Some animals turn adults in a few months only, some in a few years, some even in days like the insects"

"Oh right. You've got a good point"

"Just think about it how happy Everest would be if he recognizes us again," Yi said making Peng smile angelic at the thought.

From behind the two raven-haired Asians Jin appeared leaving the entrance of the hotel and stopped to look at his younger cousin sitting on the stairs next to Yi. Jin approached them and sat down next to Peng.

"Hey, what are you two doing down here?" Jin asked looking at the two friends.

"We're just waiting here for Dave to come" Yi answered. "Peng also got me wondering, why you went out to see a medical school"

"Yeah well, it's a funny story. I ran through the street market on the other side, then I went to the airport again to buy something and I couldn't find anything I wished and....I've bought something else"

"Okay?" Yi answered a little confused. Jin noticed Peng's comic and moved the front page to the side and sighed in relief as he checked on the cover the serial number of it.

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