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Chapter 17

Dave managed to organize for him and Peng a one-stop flight with the destination Sichuan and their goal location Kathmandu, which is in Nepal, where they're then closer to the Himalayas.

Dave sat with Peng together in the terminal waiting for the boarding call of the receptionist of their gate. 

"I barely have had any sleep last night" Peng complained as he yawned out of tiredness while Dave sat next to the boy staring holes in the air and drinking a cup of hot coffee.

"I know how you feel" Dave agreed taking a sip from the drink. "But this flight at 6:15 was the shortest one we could get. And it wasn't cheap"

"Well, I'll be hopefully sleeping the whole flight,"

"If you don't, there are still movies or series airing during the flight to entertain you"

"Finally, the train rides were so boring. If I knew it would have been that boring I would have brought my portable console, my board games, card games, everything just to make the trip pass quicker"

"Just pray for good entertainment in the plane" Dave commented. "Otherwise stretch your legs and walk a few lines back and forth in the plane to keep your legs well"

"One thing I've got to admit Dave. I've never been so sick of sitting the whole time, than these last few days" Peng ranted earning a nod from the raven-haired man.

"Before we're called for boarding, why don't we go take a look at the plane, we're going to board in soon?" The adult questioned the boy, which looked at the door of the gate and on both side tall windows were. On the right side, the gate corridor blocked the sight to the plane and on the other side, there was a free space, where they had a great view of the field of the airport. Peng got up from the seat, then walked at the large window and looked out at the airfield to see a few small jets parked far in front of the ground of the airfield. Peng leaned his face against the window to look at the plane, that stood on his side. He could see a part of the gate attached to the front door of the airplane and from behind the gate on the plane up to the tail it had a long horizontal red line, which got wider and the tail of it was fully red and had the symbol of the company of their first destination. Over the line, the airline name was tagged on it, including its Chinese variant. Another boy near Peng's age approached the window to stare in awe at the sight of the plane he saw.

"Dad, dad, is that our plane?" The boy asked jumping up and down, then the father, which resembled an older version of the boy appeared and gazed at the airbus on the outside.

"Yeah, that's our plane," The father answered placing his hand on the boy's shoulder. Peng smiled and walked back at Dave, which had just finished his coffee and squashed the cup.

"Our airplane is really big" Peng mentioned earning a nod from Dave.

"Hmm must be your impression. For the people, that are standing here to board I don't think we'll need a big one"

"Well I thought it was a big one"
"Well from the outside most of them look the same if you want me to be honest. If you want, I can show you which magazine, that you find in all seats have a list of airplanes of this company and we can from there figure out how tall ours is"


"Ladies and Gentleman, Flight SA146 with the destination Chengdu is now open for boarding. Please hold your boarding cards and passports or ID's ready. Thank you"
"So keep your ID ready, I'll be taking out your boarding card," Dave said taking from the pocket of the back of his trousers two folded boarding cards, then handed the boy out one of the cards, which was tagged with Peng's name.

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