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Chapter 6

At the office of Miss Burnish sat in front of her desk typing down on her laptop. Behind her laptop was the telephone of the office and it started to ring, then the woman picked it up to attend the call.

"Miss Burnish, Jin and Yi are here. The kids you had asked to pass by last week"

"Send them up" Miss Burnish answered. 

"They already went without my permission"
"Okay....." Miss Burnish answered then from the end of the room appeared Jin followed by Yi entering into the office.

"Miss Burnish, how could you just send Peng out at the world just like that?" The boy complained stopping in front of the desk. "He's just 11 years old,"

"I know he's still a child, that's why I send Dave with him. One from my staff members,"

"I don't care, if he's accompanied by an adult or not. You didn't have the right to send Peng with the urn to the Himalayas"

"You're right young man. I probably should have talked with you or your mother about it,"

"Listen Miss Burnish, Peng was disappointed, that we didn't agree to fulfill Mr. Burnish's last wish because we would need to cross China all over again to do that," Yi added joining the conversation between her friend and the adult.

"Peng said he owes Mr. Burnish this after he brought you all back home" Miss Burnish mentioned then Jin looked away from the woman neutrally. Yi thought about their way back home in Mr. Burnish's SUV and looked at the raven-haired boy.

"Mr. Burnish and that driver took good care of us during those days, we were heading back to Shanghai. Not many people would have done this" Yi mentioned earning a gaze from the friend.

"At some point you're right. Not everyone would have done this" The Chinese boy confessed. Yi and Jin glanced neutrally at each other, then Jin raised his left eyebrow up while looking at his friend, which gave him a small engaging smile and Jin sighed unhappily about the mute agreement between the two.

"Alright, I've got no choice. We're going behind them and join them" Jin mentioned looking back at Miss Burnish. "But I'm still going to scold Peng for what he did"

"Alright, if this is the right decision for the two of you, I'd like to at least lend out money for you two to be able to make it back and forth. You two might be a little too young, but I got faith in you two. Otherwise, I've got your contact and you can reach me, whenever you need"

"Uh my phone is with Peng by the way" Jin warned surprising the woman.

"Oh well, then Yi can have my number" Miss Burnish mentioned taking a post-it note writing down her mobile phone number, then picked it up handing it to Yi, who took it and shove it into the pocket of her shorts.

Miss Burnish took the receiver of her telephone to call another section of the company, then attended the worker on the other side of the network.

"Chen, could you bring Kai up here?" Miss Burnish asked, then placed the listener down and looked back at the two teenagers. "I brought Kai here, so you three get to know each other. Maybe you might want to keep him?"

"Maybe Nai Nai would like to have a furry friend at home when I and mom are gone?" Yi mentioned glancing at Jin, which shrugged his shoulder unsure about the fact.

"I know at the retirement home many of my grandparents' flatmates enjoy it when some of the visitors bring their dogs for a visit" Jin mentioned earning a short nod from the raven-haired girl. "How bad can it be?"

From the entrance echoes a high voice of a bark, making Yi smile angelic at how adorable the sound of the dog rang in her ears.

"Aww that was the cutest bark I have ever heard" The raven-haired boy mentioned looking back along with Yi, then a man appeared with a great, brown-reddish dog mostly as tall as a Shepherd, with a black snout like a Belgian shepherd and its facial colors were based on the Chow Chow just as the fur all over his body.

"That's Kai?" Yi asked surprised at discovering, that Mr. Burnish's dog was actually bigger than she had imagined. "....Woah, he's huge" Yi mentioned and Kai got off the staff member running towards the teens, then jumped at Jin, which had stood frozen in the middle of the room as the dog approached the boy. "Aww, he likes you" Yi added going down on her knees to watch the dog lick Jin all over his face, while he closed his eyes making disgusted grimaces due to the sticky tongue of the canine.

"Easy there boy, save some for Yi too" Jin mentioned making Yi giggle, which reached her hand at the mixed breed, which moved his head up reaching his snout at Yi's hand, starting to wag with his fluffy tail and gave Yi one big lick over her face making her chuckle, afterward she placed her hands on the dog's head leaning her forehead on the dog's.

"Great. We've got a new dog whisperer now" Jin mentioned jokingly while Yi giggled at his comment and adjusted the leash of the dog as the staff member handed it out to her.

Peng sat inside an intercity train with a large backpack he had lied over his lap. Next to him sat a raven-haired man with a short stubble beard and mustache on his face and dressed normally wearing brown pants and a black pullover.

Peng sighed dull during the time he was sitting on his seat staring holes in the air along the ride. Peng leaned his face on the window to gaze at the fewer houses that were able to see from the train.

"How much is it to Macheng?" Peng asked while the man beside him was typing down a message on his smartphone.

"I think there were about 70 minutes last time I checked," Dave answered.

"And when was that?"

"About 10 minutes ago. As I left for the toilet"

"So then we've got an hour until our next stop?" Peng asked earning a nod from the adult. "Gees"

"We need more magazines to read, right?" The adult questioned seeing the boy shrug his shoulders.

"Or something to keep us entertained during the ride. Maybe a card game or a simple game we could play on a sheet?"

"I don't have at the moment any sheets with me. Maybe we could play something else maybe a guess game?"

"What about rock scissors and paper?" Peng suggested. "I used to play this with my cousin Jin, when we were younger,"

"I'm fine with that" The man responded holding his hand out to the boy. Peng grinned at the man holding out his own hand flat vice versa to Dave's, then they both used the other hand and both pounded on their hand formed to a fist on the other counting it three times.

"Rock, Scissor, Paper, shoot!" Both shouted and both had made a V with their index and middle finger, having their first tie in their game.

"Woah not bad, again" Dave announced pounding along with Peng on their flat hand. "Rock, Scissor, Paper, shoot!" Both exclaimed and held now their hand flat and widen their eyes in surprise. "You're good"

"No, you're good" Peng added making the man smirk at the boy, then both pounded with their fist on their hands again and this time, Dave scored one point as he made the sign of the scissor while Peng ended up going with paper again. "Blast it!" Peng blurted out making Dave laugh.

"Is that all you got?" He asked jokingly seeing Peng with an devious smirk on his lips, then he tapped with his fist on his hand along with the adult and both held out their hand as a fist for stone, ending with a tie again.

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