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Chapter 2 6

Inside a large transporter, Zara sat on the co-driver seat looking out at the street, where they were driving. Behind the transporter, the whole rear of the car was a giant cage for animals. Inside the cage, on the floor Jin and Yi lied with their eyes closed, still down from the serum of the tranquilizer darts. 

"Are you sure the other kid wouldn't be the better choice for this task?" The partner of Zara asked glancing quickly at the woman, without leaving the road for more seconds.

"I have the feeling our success will work better if we use the girl" Zara mentioned. "We both know how attached she was to that yeti when she tried to fight us off"

"Good point" The man added.

"If she follows our instructions without any hesitation. She won't have to worry about her friend's life"

"And which of the friends are you going to use to blackmail her?"

"We've got both boys one or the other will have to suffer until she agrees to help us" Zara mentioned earning a neutral look from the man, which looked back to the street. "These kids can't do anything to stop us from our goal"

On the back of the vehicle, Jin groaned and moved with his hands on the ground slowly getting up to see, where he was. Jin noticed Yi lying on the side of the cage and Jin approached the girl grabbing her on the shoulders turning her around to him, then he shook her on the arms trying to wake her up.

"Yi wake up" Jin whispered while shaking the girl, slowly bringing her back to life. "Yes open your eyes," Jin asked seeing the girl slowly opening her eyes and notice Jin in front of her eyes.

"Jin?" Yi started. "W....where are we?"The girl asked the boy, which looked around the cage, then shrugged his shoulders.

"In danger. I've got no doubts about it" Jin mentioned looking across the van to spot Zara sitting on the co-driver seat, making him frown his eyebrows. "How gentle from your side to lock us in a dog cage," Jin bellowed across the vehicle at the woman.

"Good morning you two....or should I say....good evening," Zara said looking back at the cage to see Jin with his hands on the grid beside Yi, which had also placed her hands on it, then she looked around her to realize she was all alone with Jin in the cage.

"Where are Peng and Dave?" Yi asked and Jin looked around the cage, then looked back at Yi with wide eyes realizing now their absence.

"Were they caught?" Jin asked hearing Zara chuckling and making her way up to the cage.

"They're in another van don't worry. As long as you two follow our instructions, they will be left alive"

"Left alive!?!" Jin barked angrily at the comment. "Don't you dare to harm them in any way, they have done nothing!" Jin hissed watching Zara taking from her jacket her smartphone out, then tapped on it to stabilize a call, then she turned the screen horizontally to herself and she had on her video call another guy sitting on the co-driver seat.

"What's up?"

"Hey Kim, I want you to show me the two prisoners," Zara asked earning a nod from the man with soul patch chin facial hairstyle and he turned his smartphone to the cage to show Peng and Dave standing in front of the lattice gazing sadly at the staff.

"Peng!" Jin shouted in chorus along with Yi at seeing the two in the same stage of danger as them.

"Kim give them a little foretaste of our medicine" Zara demanded and turned her smartphone around to show the video to Jin and Yi.

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