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Chapter 28

Peng sat on the bed of his cousin Jin watching a music video on Jin's smartphone while the teen was rummaging around his desk searching for something.  

"It was here. How can it just disappear like that?" Jin complained moving all the sheets on the corner of his table, separating them all one by one.

"What are you looking for?" Peng asked rolling his eyes back at the older boy.

"One envelope I promised Yi's dad to give it to her on her birthday. I'm actually very late, but I kept forgetting it every time I was with Yi and now that her birthday is today, I remembered it" The Chinese boy explained placing his hands flat over the desk rolling his eyes around his desk irritated. "How can I lose something I know, where it was?" Jin complained, then noticed near the edge of the table, where his laptop was a white A6 sheet looking out a little bit from the computer, then Jin facepalmed and moved the laptop up to find there the envelope he was looking for and he picked it up.

"What's in there?" Peng asked the cousin curious, which shrugged his shoulders.

"Yi is the one, who had to read it. I'll hand it over to her. She already knows that I've forgotten to give it to her on her supposed birthday"

"Okay, are you going up to see her?" Peng asked earning a nod from Jin, that walked beside his bed to the night table to take a small black box, that had written Yi's name with a white coloring pencil and Jin grabbed it looking at it with a smile. "Is that Yi's present?" Peng asked earning a nod from the boy.

"Yeah" Jin answered.

"Are you going to ask Yi out with that gift?" Peng questioned making Jin shake his head.

"I already did that almost two months ago. I just never talked any of this to anyone yet"

"Why not?"

"We haven't talked about it, yet"

"Okay, so you won't be coming back here after you' went up?"

"Just after dinner" Jin answered earning a nod from the child, then walked out of his bedroom, heading to the exit and went upstairs to the door leading to the roof, where he passed by a table, which was set for a special occasion. Jin noticed the small shack had the lights in it turned on, then he followed his way to the shack to spot Yi sitting on a wooden box looking into a blue book. Jin knocked on the metal board beside him getting Yi to look up and see Jin at the entrance.

"Come in" Yi invited the boy, which took a seat down on the box.

"How are you?" The boy asked looking at the girlfriend, which had a book with pictures in front of her.

"I'm good" The girl answered. "I've been looking at the family album of my family. Remembering precious moments from my childhood.....look at this one, where my father taught me how to ice skate" Yi pointed at an image of herself as a child while being held from behind by the father, watching her practicing.

"Really sweet" Stated Jin watching Yi turn over to the next page to see the next pictures. One of the pictures showed the younger Yi holding her father's violin trying to play a tune on it, with him beside her watching her doing so, then a tear had fallen on the picture and Jin looked at Yi passing her hand to clean her eye. Jin looked at the envelope he held on his hands, then placed his hand over Yi's shoulder watching her looking up at the boy. "I know I delivered your father's letter a little late, but maybe it could make you feel better," Jin said earning a short nod from the girl, which picked up the letter from the boy opening it up to open the full hand-written letter from her father.

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