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Chapter 2 1

The Haas' were having lunch together with their guests Jin and Yi eating around the table together fondue, which was a specialty from Mrs. Haas family.

"Mmh I have to admit, this is the most delicious fondue I have ever tasted in my life" Jin commented after he swallowed down a small cube of bread covered with melted cheese.

"You tasted the white bread only boy. The real pleasure is when you pick nut bread instead" Mr. Haas told Jin, which used the long fork to sting into a brown-colored cube from the bread basket and dunked it into the pot with the cheese, which is being held warm by a flame, that was under the fondue pot in a flame distributor. Jin took out the fork, then blew firmly at the hot cheese and took it into his mouth groaning with joy at the flavor. "Wow this one really tasted great"

"What type of cheese did you use in here Mrs. Haas?" Yi questioned the woman as she had dipped her fork into the cheese along with Sonja and Mr. Haas.

"Major part of it is Emmental and Appenzeller cheese. Additionally, I would also add Gruyére to it, but they didn't have it so I added a pack with grated cheese" The blonde adult answered.

"Okay and the room is also supposed to smell like this after lunch, right?" Yi questioned the woman, which nodded.

"It's bearable for me" Jin explained picking another piece of bread from the basket. "Better than having to deal with the smell of an onion soup" Jin mentioned dunking his fork into the cheese followed by Yi, which had caught in surprise. Jin smiled a little, then Yi rolled her eyes away from the boy turning a little red. Mr. Haas exchanged looks with his wife understanding, what was going on with the two.

"So.......I'm just wondering, what are two kids around your age doing here on the other side of China?" The brown-haired man questioned the duo noticing Jin getting distracted by Yi, then he shook his head in confusion and looked at the man.

"Uh well my younger cousin wanted to fulfill the last wish of a man, that had somehow been important to all of us and this would have needed us three to travel together to Nepal and we didn't agree to go in the first place, cause it was way too far for us, but....he went by himself,"

"And you two are going behind him?" The man asked earning a nod from Jin.

"Yeah well first we were supposed to catch him after a day, but they were always a step ahead of us and now it doesn't matter anymore and we just want to get back to him and be apart of the realization of our old friend's last will"

"That's great"

"Yeah, I think after I see him again I will have better nights again," Jin confessed. "I slept okay most of the times, but my worries are keeping me active"

"Did your younger cousin go by himself?" The mother asked.

"His sister, which had informed us about the last will sent a friend of her to accompany him," Yi added. "We knew about his trip, cause he left Jin a letter explaining he needed to do that"

"Good is, that we're closer to Nepal now after all these days" Jin added. "And alive"

"We will bring you two safe and sound there, don't worry about it" The man mentioned.

"Thank you," The two Chinese friends said picking another piece of bread from the basket to dip it into the melted cheese.

"Hey, can we after lunch all play the game of life together?" The younger brother of Sonja asked gazing at his parents over the caquelon.

"Sure as long as you help your mother doing the dishes, there won't be a problem" The father answered making the boy groan.

In Nepal inside the transporter the man, that used to work for Mr. Burnish as the leader of the Burnish Industries stood in front of the plan, which had been discussed with Zara and the rest of the team. On the outside, someone knocked on the door and it got opened up and it was Zara, which looked into the interior wondering what was going on.

"Is something not clear with the plan?" Zara asked watching the raven-haired man look back.

"Everything is clear Zara" The man answered. "I'm just thinking about, when we're going to send one of the kids up to the mountains, if we will actually manage to catch a yeti or if the yetis will sense our presence and it turns dangerous for us all,"

"We're all armed with enough tranquilizers to put more than one yeti asleep, if necessary," Zara explained. "And as long as the boy is there earning the attention of the yeti and has succeeded in having contact with him, we aim the yeti and take him down. Then we just need to get him like last time into the trailer and we leave,"

"Yeah, the plan seems easy. I don't know. I haven't done any of this ever again, I think that's why I'm feeling a little strange"

"It will work trust me," Zara reiterated earning a nod from the man.

"Okay, I should stop worrying about it"

"Of course. After all this, you can go back to your old life and do, what you always did before or you can use the money and I don't know....open a new business, anything you prefer" Articulated Zara walking out to the exit of the transporter.

Dave and Peng stood inside the entrance hall of a hotel together looking at a map of the country searching for their current location.

"We're right here" Dave pointed out on the card, where it had a red dot with the words You're right here. "Tomorrow or when your cousin Jin is here along with your friend we can all four discuss together when to go up to the Himalayas to scatter the ashes of Mr. Burnish,"

"Yes," Peng answered shortly. Dave took out his smartphone, then scrolled on the display for a phone number and rolled his eyes at the boy.

"I'll be telling Miss Burnish, that we're here" Dave explained pressing the call button afterward he leaned it next to his ear. "Good afternoon Miss Burnish, I and Peng arrived Kathmandu,"

"Great. How was the flight?"

"It was tolerable. It got delayed again, but we could still make it here"

"Good, have you heard anything of Jin or Yi?"
"No, but I wanted to ask this too"
"They were in Hotan the last time they called me. That was almost two days ago. Eventually, they might call me, when they arrive at Kathmandu. They've picked a coach and I presume it arrives tonight or in the early morning"

"Okay is it possible for you to inform us about their arrival?" Dave questioned. "In case we're not in the same station?"

"I will and I will notify them, that you two are in Kathmandu awaiting them,"

"Great Peng's going to be happy to see them again"

"Sure and stay tuned"

"Sure. Goodbye," Dave said turning the phone off and looking down at Peng, which looked at the map in front of them.

"I can't believe, we're almost there," The child said earning a nod from the adult.

"Yes we're almost there" Dave agreed. "When we encounter your friends we will all four go there together and spread the ashes all together, then we have fulfilled our part of the deal"

"Yeah" Peng agreed keeping to look at the map along with the adult.

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