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We were now on day five, without food. They had given us water but that was all we had received from the wicked witch. I'm not saying we didn't deserve a punishment, Avery almost killed Derek. I'm just saying that maybe it shouldn't of been borderline torture.

Everyday I was getting skinnier, so was Avery. I had given Avery the last few cookies, to keep him going. As I lay on my bed, my stomach aching from emptiness, I thought about if I was going to die here. I didn't want to die here but we couldn't stay in a place that starved children for punishment.

"Alex, I'm so hungry" Avery whined, placing his hand on his stomach.
"Don't think about it, you'll make it worse" I informed him as my stomach growled in pain.

Then, out of the blue, our door opened.

"Since foster parents are coming today, we have to feed you" Derek grumbled as he rolled his eyes, throwing the two plates on the floor before walking out.

I smiled at Avery and pushed a plate over to him. We had finished our food within minutes, Avery was licking the plate clean.
"That was so good" Avery smiled with a full stomach.
"Her cooking is a bit shit" I uttered, earning a cheeky grin from Avery.

"What did they mean by foster parents?" Avery asked curiously, placing the plate back on the floor.
"Someone fosters us until mom comes back or until we're old enough to take care of ourselves" I responded with a careless shrug.
"We get to go to the same house because we're brothers right?" Avery questioned, seeming slightly worried. It never crossed my mind that Avery could have attachment issues with me. He was fine whenever I left for school because mom was home but now she's nowhere to be found and we only have eachother.

Avery is all I have now.


A few parents had come to visit within the past couple of weeks. Avery and I usually weren't allowed out of our rooms so we ate food, read books and entertained ourselves while other kids were free of this place. Derek had finally been fostered by an older couple. I'm still bullied for my white hair; I don't know what's so wrong with it. I wish my hair wasn't this colour. I never really cared about it until I came here.

Our door opened, revealing Josephine and a few kids following behind her.
"Alex, you're getting an opportunity to be chosen today, don't mess it up" She grumbled, staring at Avery who was just glaring back at her.
"Why?, Do I have to go?" I asked her hesitantly.
"Yes, you have to go Alex" She rolled her eyes before pointing down the hall. I stood up with sigh.
"Don't leave me Alex!" Avery begged, grabbing my wrist.
"It's okay, I'll be back in a few minutes" I nodded reassuringly, getting a nod in response. He let go of my wrist as I walked out of the room.

I walked down the creaky stairs and turned a corner to see all of the children lined up against the wall. Most of the kids were here, besides Avery and a few others. If you were rude, Josephine would make you stay in your room while the foster families arrived to foster a child. She was clearly still pissed at Avery. That was the coolest thing he's ever done though.

I was in the middle, caught between two older kids. Im pretty sure she placed me here to make sure I didn't act out.

I stood against the wall, looking straight ahead as the parents arrived. I didn't even acknowledge them compared to the kids that would greet them with pictures they drew or flowers the girls had picked.

"Are you not going to say hi?" A little girl asked confusedly.
"Why would I say hi, they're not my parents?" I stated coldly, hoping the little girl would go away but she didn't.
"What age are you?" She asked, comparing our heights. She was only to my shoulder.
"I'm nine" I mumbled, letting the back of my head hit the wall.
"I'm nine too" she gasped happily, standing next to me.

I didn't reply, I didn't have the energy. I was barely being fed and I probably looked like I was starving. Honestly, there was never really much food in our house since our mother wouldn't buy groceries. Any food that we had was saved day by day and if they're was only enough for one, I'd refuse to eat it because Avery would need it more.

I never had a normal childhood so it was stupid of foster parents to believe I was like every other nine year old child in the world. I was too mature for my age. I knew things I shouldn't of and thing I didn't want to know. I knew the needles for my mother weren't medicine, I'm not stupid, but it's what I told Avery. He'll have the realisation one day but for now I want him to stay a child.

The parents laughed with all the children but as I glanced over, the mom caught eye contact with me. I rolled my eyes as she approached myself and the girl next to me.
"What's your name?" The woman asked, staring at me.
"Staring isn't polite" I glared back. A smile appeared on her face as she stood in-front of me.
"I guess it's not" she nodded with approval.
"My name is Alex" I grumbled, standing up straight.
"What age are you?" She asked curiously, noticing how tall I was compared to the girl next to me.

"I'm nine" I responded hesitantly, with a blank expression.
"Your hair is incredible, it's such a beautiful colour" She smiled, attempting to touch my hair but I moved from her reach.

She turned her focus back to the other kids, realising she had crossed a line with me.

After a couple of hours, the parents walked into the office with Josephine. I think they were deciding who they were going to pick.

"What's your name?" I asked the little girl who hadn't left my side all day.
"I'm Deja, I'm nine too!" She smiled, raising her hand for a high five. I couldn't not give her one, that would've been cruel. I slapped her hand and she grinned happily. I smiled slightly at her simple joy.

"I don't really like these ones, they're too obsessed with the perfect kids" Deja spoke calmly, staring at her feet.
"Who cares if we don't get picked, I have Avery to look after?" I stated with a confident tone.
"I guess you have a point" she agreed with soft smile.

Deja had loose curly black hair and dark skin; it wasn't dark brown but more of a lighter brown. She had a nice smile from what I can remember.

"I don't really have anyone to stay here for" She spoke with an uneasy tone.
"You don't have a brother or sister?" I questioned, showing my interest in the conversation.
"No, it's just me" She nodded, her expression becoming more sad by the second.
"Why haven't you been fostered yet?" I asked, staring at the other kids who were discussing the foster parents.
"Im too shy, and too boring for any of them to like me. I don't think there's anything special about me" She admitted, staring at the wall.

"Well, now you have someone to stay for" I grinned, shoving her slightly with my elbow.
"Thanks Alex" She smiled, resting her head on my shoulder.

Moments passed, and suddenly my name was called.

An: This book is one of my favourites that I've ever written. Hope you guys are enjoying it.

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