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I was in my room with Dante, watching a movie. He had expressed that he was beginning to dislike Sofia because she was taking up so much of Ace's attention. More like she wasn't giving Dante any. I blocked out his rambling by focusing on the tv.

"Are you even listening?" Dante sneered.
"Yea, yea, we don't like Sofia, I get it," I mumbled, stuffing more popcorn into my mouth.
"You don't understand." He sighed.
"I do," I said, my attention turning back to the tv as a really intense moment happened in the movie. I could hear his voice in the back of my mind, but I wasn't concerned. Dante wouldn't hurt a fly and he certainly wouldn't hurt Sofia. Plus I'm sure Ace would murder him if he tried.

I hadn't spoken to Sofia since the day I found her in my room. I hadn't saw her and I didn't know if it would be awkward. I kind of disliked her but it wasn't hatred anymore. I had given up on hating the girl for no reason; but just as I let my vendetta go, Dante begins his. This girl couldn't catch a break between all three of us and I felt some pity for her.

Either way, I had business to do.

I stood to my feet and left the room, completely forgetting that Dante was speaking to me.

I turned on my heels and walked back into the room before saying "I don't think you should hate the girl, she's trying her best."

I made my way to Ace's office, where I saw him sitting at his desk as usual. It's like he was glued in one spot, never moving. His hair was a light brown, it reminded me of fallen, browned leaves, you'd find on the ground. It was ironic because we we're heading into winter soon.

He let out a groan, leaning back in his chair. His hair disheveled and his stubble beginning to grow out.
"I can't do this shit anymore," he said, shaking his head.
I nodded, sitting on the side of his desk.
"What do you want?" He asked, waiting for my response.
"Any jobs for me to do?" I questioned him, hoping to fill my time with something.
"If I had any jobs right now, do you think I'd be doing paperwork?" He raised his eyebrow at me. He's got a good point.

"You're always glued to your desk, let's go do something then," I smiled mischievously, thinking of the first thing that came to mind.
"What are you thinking?" He said, and I think I sparked his interest.
"When's the last time you took the bikes out?" I grinned.

Ace and I ended up taking the bikes out for a spin. We were dressed in all leather, with bike helmets. Ace's helmet was black with a skull design on the front; it was dope. Mine was white, because it was Ace's spare one, incase his skull one broke.

I picked up speed as we turned a corner, passing Ace's bike within seconds. I could hear the wind zipping past my head as I drove against the wind. Ace lived up in the mountains, so it was always pretty windy, except for summer. I watched Ace's bike almost lift from the ground as he flew by me. That man truly had no fear of death; He was playing with god. Fearless.

"Slow down," I mumbled into the microphone, that allowed us to speak to each-other.
"So that you can catch up, hell no. That's what you get for trying to show off," he mumbled, his mic muffled but I could still make out what he was saying.

"They'll beat my ass if you come back dead. They'll kill me!" I yelled, and he responded with a laugh, turning off at the next exit.

We stopped at a gas station, and I sat on my bike, waiting for Ace to fuel up. He approached me, taking off his helmet. I lifted the clear, plastic cover, that protected my eyes so I could speak to him. I wasn't bothered to remove the whole helmet.
"It's so warm in that helmet," he said, and that's when I realised his hair was soaked in sweat.
"I'd rather suffer," I smiled, throwing my head back before falling off the bike.

Ace began to laugh uncontrollably as I climbed back to my feet. How did I fall and the bike stayed upright? I know I had the stand on but that doesn't even make sense.

"That was the funniest shit I've saw you do all week," he laughed, holding his chest. I glared at him, waiting for him to finish as I brushed the dust off my jacket.
"I'm such a dumbass." I sighed, laughing with him.
"You are." He agreed.

We both fell silent, and I realised the sun was setting. Ace was staring out into the distance, he looked like something was bothering him.
"What's wrong?" I asked, knowing that with Ace, there's no point beating around the bush.
"My father hasn't shown his face in awhile. I'm praying he's dead somehow," he mumbled, his eyes staying on the sunset.
"We don't get that lucky, Ace," I stated harshly, checking my phone as I got a notification.

"Ah shit," I uttered, sliding the phone back in my pocket.
"What's wrong?" Ace asked, a harsh crease between his eyebrows.
"Nothing, Deja knows I blocked her," I mumbled, rolling my eyes.
"Yikes," Ace said, pulling a face.

"I keep fucking it up with her. She's the only girl I've ever liked but I can't drag her into all this. She'll end up dead because of me," I stated, biting my nails as I spoke.
"Yeah," Ace trailed off, thinking of his own situation. I wish I could help him with his father, but that is entirely up to him. He has the strength to kill him with his bare hands and yet he doesn't. I don't know what's holding him back. Not much anymore after he murdered Denice, that's for sure.

"Do you think he'd be brave enough to come back?" Ace asked, his worry plastered all over his face.
"Do you think you could face him if he came back?" I answered his question with another question, making him think about the situation.

I wasn't sure if Kai would return, it wouldn't surprise me or any of us if he did but we'd have to be prepared. And if he doesn't come to us, then we'll have to go to him.

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