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I grabbed my date by the nape of the neck.

This poor girl didn't ask for any of this. It was completely and utterly my fault she was here yet I wouldn't show the heaviness of the guilt I felt. I could've been sick when I heard her cries or her screams for help, yet no-one would save her and I'm forced to take her life. It sickened me as I stepped onto the bloodied tarp, which lay on the floor.

The girl tried so desperately to break my grip on her. She clawed at my hand which was gripping her neck. I threw her into the chair as a man I had never met before, handed me a knife; which also was blood stained.

The girl sobbed in the chair.

"Please, my dad is waiting for me to come home!" She begged, as the men tied her to the chair.

Why did I have the right to take this girls life?

I stood in front of her, and held the knife to her throat. She could see it in my eyes. I hope she knew I didn't want to do it. I hope she knew that this wasn't who I wanted to be.

I pulled the knife across her throat, her death almost instant. Blood spewed viciously from the open wound. Within minutes she was drowned in her own blood. She only struggled for seconds before she had collapsed in the chair. Droplets of blood dripped from the knife to the floor, it's all I could stare at. I couldn't look up. I didn't want to see people's horrified expressions. I didn't want to see them staring at me, as if that was easy for me to do. It was anything but easy.

I was violently ill, yet I knew I'd have to push through, at-least until Ace had finished. I slowly entered the crowd again, watching the men drag her body away, just like they did with Dante's girlfriend. I thought I was going to gag. My stomach churned inside of me, an uneasy feeling filling my insides.

What did I do?

Her words played over in my mind, on repeat. I wanted to smash my head against the wall, anything to make it stop. I focused on my breathing, making sure I had control of my own body. I couldn't lose my shit right now. I had to keep it together.

So many more women and men were slaughtered like pigs, one at a time, and Kai only laughed at the most amusing ones.

"Now it's time, for my own son, Ace Hernandez, to take the stage." Kai said, his eyes darkening as he watched his son. Ace showed no expression, I couldn't see what he was thinking. Usually he would have tell tale signs, but this time, it was nothing.

I couldn't read him.

Dante gave me an uneasy glance. All I could see was Ace's eyes, which were empty, void.

"It's an honour to watch you, Ace", a man cheered from the crowd, making Kai grin proudly.

An honour, an honour, an honour.
An honour, an honour, an honour.
An honour, an honour, an honour.
An honour, an honour, an honour.
An honour, an honour, an honour.
An honour, an honour, an honour.

What does that word even mean to people anymore?

An honour to watch a innocent girls life be taken. Multiple women's lives taken. I was going to break.

All I could think to myself was to hold it together.

The men escorted Sofia to the chair, but unlike the women, she didn't try to run and she wasn't crying. She just sat silently, waiting for her inevitable death. This wasn't right.

Ace stood in front of her, on the blood filled tarp, with the same knife, I had clasped in my hand moments ago.

Whispers were filling the room, the longer he waited. Everyone's anticipation was high. I glanced over at Dante again, to see him shaking his head. He was telling me that Ace wasn't going to do it. I threw him a stern frown, letting him know that he had to. Dante continued to shake his head.

"No screams Ms. Diaz," Kai frowned with disappointment. How twisted was this man?
He was mocking her death yet Sofia stayed composed. I couldn't see much of what was going on, but I could see enough.

"Ace, make her scream with terror", Kai demanded, becoming enraged when he realised he didn't affect Sofia.

He held the knife to her throat, and the room fell silent, waiting for him to do it. Ace was known for his ruthless reputation. He wouldn't break that for some girl; would he?.

I watched as Sofia muttered words to Ace, and witnessed Ace's expression change. He was cracking. I watched as blood dribbled from her neck, where he had the knife pressed. He was going to do it.

Ace looked around the room once more, his eyes stopping on his father.

And before I knew it, Ace had grabbed Sofia's hand, dropped the knife and let the building. I stood in complete shock, the whole room frozen, stunned. I couldn't believe it. Dante laughed while the rest of the rooms jaw's were on the floor.

I noticed Kai become enraged, standing at the top of the stage. I swear, I could see the steam tumbling out of his nose and ears.

The room erupted into chaos.

Why did we have to follow the rules and Ace didn't? However you couldn't kill the mafia king.

"I have to apologise for my sons exit, he is confused. However I will make it up to you all, and show you that I am fully committed to this mafia also" he yelled above the shouting crowd.

Kai grabbed Denice and I could've collapsed. Dante and I stared at each-other with horror. We thought it was disturbing before, now it was just a whole new level. Ace didn't even know, he didn't even know.

"This is a punishment for my son, his actions have consequences".

However, Denice didn't scream or cry, she simply walked over to the chair, and kissed the cross chain, that hung around her neck.

I watched as Kai took the knife, and the slit the throat of the kindest woman I had known. Dante let out a gasp, turning as the murder took place.

Denice sat still, and quiet. She didn't make a sound. Her last moments were as peaceful as it could've been. She wouldn't give Kai the satisfaction of having a gruesome death, she bled as elegantly as any woman could have.

She died with kindness, she didn't let this life turn her cruel.

I was appalled. There was no word strong enough, to show my anger. That poor woman.

So many unholy things happened this night.

(Poor Denice ~ Antonia)

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