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Sofia lay next to me on the bed as she painted my nails. Lately she's been begging me to let her paint them. She said she wants to practice and she can't practice on her own.

Ace was in the bathroom connected to his bedroom. I never see him use that bathroom, mainly because he only ever uses the one with the steam room.
Fancy I know.

"Sofia, you're not painting one of them pink, I agreed to white," I argued as she smiled mischievously, grabbing the pink nail polish.
"Ice, hold still!" She yelled, squeezing my finger.
"Ow ow ow, okay," I agreed, before glaring at her silently. Ace left the bathroom and sat on the end of bed while Sofia and I sat against the headboard.
"Ace, tell your girlfriend to stop painting my nails pink, I'm going to be the least threatening right hand man you'll ever see," I rambled, as Sofia smiled at Ace.
"Sorry Ice, you agreed to it." He raised his eyebrows at me.

That was code for, she's happy and leave her alone.

I let out a sigh of frustration, letting Sofia paint my nails the brightest pink I'd ever saw. I didn't know they made colours so bright.

"You're doing this on purpose to torture me!" I said.
"You're so dramatic, Ice. Stop being a baby," She muttered, blowing air onto my nail so that it would dry.

Suddenly she grabbed a blue colour and started painting on top of the pink.
"What are you doing?" I asked curiously, as Ace watched also, both of us confused.
"I didn't even know you could mix the colours," Ace expressed, actually seeming interested. It was quite a surprise, nothing could grab Ace's full attention most of the time and this girl pulls out a little container of paint and he's so interested.

This girl had him wrapped around her finger and didn't even know it.

She stopped painting and showed Ace my nail. I saw a smile creep on his face.

"What is it," I asked, pulling my hand back.

Sofia laughed and leaned into Ace.

"It's block," I uttered with confusion.
"It's an ice cube" Ace grinned, before I glanced over at Sofia who smiled innocently.
"It's because you're as cold as Ice," she joked before I stared at her.
"Ace, get him to stop staring at me," She said, glaring back at me.
"Ha ha so funny," I spat, not allowing her to do my other hand.
Suddenly Ace poked my eye before Sofia erupted into laughter along with Ace.
"AH MY EYE," I yelled, covering my eyes. I leaned back and rolled over, before falling onto the ground.

Sofia and Ace couldn't breathe they were laughing so hard. I blinked away the pain in my eye before crawling to my feet.
"This is abuse, this is best-friend abuse," I argued.
"You're so funny Alex," she giggled and I started to smile. I was funny.

"Sofia, I uhhhh...I meant to ask," I stuttered. I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly as she tilted her head in confusion.
"Nevermind," I uttered, before leaving the room once again.

"Alex!" She called out for me. I didn't respond but I didn't walk further down the hallway either.
"You can talk to me, I won't judge!" She spoke loudly hoping I would hear her. I pretended I didn't.

A couple of days passed, and Ace decided that it would be best to scout for new recruits. When we say recruits, we mean troubled teens, homeless people, anyone with a reason to hate the government. After all, we were working against them.

Ace would pay off police every so often, to turn a blind eye to his mass murders. He'd pay thousands up front, like it was nothing. Aces family were filthy rich. Millionaires. Their family had ran the streets for years. Everyone knew their name. Hernandez. It echoed down dark alleys.

How a nobody ended up being his right hand man is a mystery, even for me; and I'm the right hand.

A part of me always wondered why he never chose Dante though. Considering he's known Dante for years. Why would he trust me over him?

However, after the whole incident with Sofia I can see why he never chose Dante also. Dante is two sides to a coin. You'd never know how he'd react to certain things. Plus he lacked a certain......cruelty.

Even after all that happened with Ace, him and Sofia; Ace allowed him to remain friends with him, even if it meant the awkwardness of the first couple of days when he returned to training.

Ace made it a requirement that we all workout for atleast an hour each day. This was to prepare us for any street fight or combat would happen. I could see why, the people could rebel at any moment. The city could end up in flames. Aces family could be overthrown, but I hope that wouldn't happen. I'd probably be the first one killed.

Ace's rivals grew more powerful each day, but so did Ace. That's why Dante and I chose him. That's why he chose us.

I'd help this man rule the world if that's what he really wanted.

I walked the streets with my hood up, it was drizzling.

Dark clouds hung above my head as I walked down alleys, and dark streets, handing a folded note to anyone walking by who I thought would be suited for  the mafia. Most of them hesitantly took it, few declined. When you're that low in life, you'd never reject an opportunity like this. Ace would try home as many recruits as he could. We'd rent out huge worn down buildings, and restore them. I'm not saying these houses were the nicest, and I'm not saying the nicest things happens inside them, but it's a roof over your head and food every once in awhile. It was unbelievably generous, compared to other mafia dons, who would throw their workers, who did their dirty work for them, off to the side.

Ace was in no way a nice man, he was not even a good man. He was morally grey, and would only show mercy if he was feeling generous. I've already witnessed this man murder so many innocent lives and so many guilty ones too. I always wonder if it eats him up inside.

My stream of chaotic thoughts broke when I saw the group of kids who got Avery into drugs, hanging outside one of the supermarkets.

And suddenly, I clenched my fists as I walked towards them.

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