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I grabbed the top of his shirt, and pulled him towards me.
"Tell me where your fucking boss is!" I demanded, holding the knife to his throat as he scrambled desperately to be released.
"I promise, I don't know where he is. You're asking the wrong man. I just work for him, nothing more nothing less" He pleaded for me to believe him. His eyes however, his eyes gave away his secrets.

"I don't believe you" I whispered, lightly running the edge of the blade along his neck.
"I swear, I'd tell you if I knew" He spoke with desperation. Then his phone began to ring suddenly. He glanced down and the fear was so noticeable, I could smell it. I dropped my grip on his shirt and picked up his phone as I stood up.

"If you open your mouth, I'll kill you, no hesitation" I warned him, moving the blade to his chest.

"Hey boss" I mumbled as I answered the phone.
"We need you down in A3 immediately, apparently there's been an attack. Come asap" he spoke before hanging up the phone.

I grinned with satisfaction as I stood in front of the man.

"A3, I'm pretty sure I know where that is" I scoffed, throwing the man to the floor. I pulled the gun from my pocket and held it against his head.
"Tell my wife I love her, please" The man begged and for a moment, I remembered what it felt like to feel something. I didn't respond, instead I hesitated before pulling the trigger.

I watched his body become limp, collapsing beneath its weight. I watched as the blood trickled out of the bullet wound in his head. You would think a bullet hole is bigger, wider, even maybe deeper; It's not. It's this small circle, this tiny circle that takes your life. Something so small is so significant. You could picture blood spilling from the hole yet instead it slowly trickled down the side of his temple, before the droplets hit the floor. I stared at the little puddle of blood that was growing by the minute.

You would think that taking someone's life is difficult; that it would affect your soul, your morals, who you are. Thankfully I had none of those anymore. All I had was the thirst for revenge. I'd get my revenge if it was the last thing I did.

Suddenly Ace walked into the room, shaking his head with a proud smirk. "Who knew you'd have it in you?".

"It's not as hard as I expected" I shrugged, tucking my gun back into the waistband of my trousers.
"I told you it'd be easy and you didn't listen to me, you worked yourself up for months" he muttered, rolling his eyes as his men collected the body. I didn't respond, instead I just replied with a nod, feeling nothing except numbness.

Is this what it feels like to be dead, to feel nothing at all?.

Sometimes I close my eyes and wish for that moment.

Ace broke me from my thoughts.
"So where are we off to next, Ice?" Ace questioned with a raised brow and a low tone.
"A3" I assured him before leaving the warehouse.
"That's why he's my right hand and you're not" Ace muttered to one of his friends; I believe his name was Dante. I could be wrong.

All I could hear was the two of them arguing as I climbed into the back of Ace's black SUV.
"Come on Dante, I was only kidding" Ace shrugged carelessly, shoving his friends shoulder; Unfortunately I had to sit in the middle since I was the 'skinniest'. Dante grabbed Ace's fist and before I could blink, there was a gun stretched across the car, pressed against Dante's temple. Ace's finger rested on trigger as his face switched from a jokingly, relaxed manner, to a vicious gaze. I knew he would've killed Dante in that moment, if he hadn't said the right things.

"What did I tell you about fucking touching me?" Ace snarled, his eyes narrowing.
"Im sorry boss, it won't happen again" Dante replied quickly with a weak apology as he swallowed the fear.

Neither Dante or I were stupid. Ace wasn't our friend; he would kill us if we ever did him wrong.

"I'll kill you Dante, with no hesitation" He insisted, pulling his gun from Dante's head. Dante let out a sigh of relief as Ace sat quietly.
"And that's why I stay silent" I remarked to Dante before glancing over to Ace, watching a small grin appear on his face. Dante pouted to himself quietly as I smiled evilly. Tormenting him was too easy.

One thing I noticed about Ace, was how he never truly smiled or laughed. If he did smile, it was never genuine, he was never smiling because he was happy.

As we pulled up to the next location, I noticed this one was quieter, less noticeable amongst the other buildings. It was just an average house. It blended in well as a family home, you wouldn't think cold blooded murders lived inside.

The house wasn't new, it had mould along the frame of the window and cracks in the cement. We hid quietly behind a wall as we watched a few shadowy figures brush past the windows.

I knew Leonardo Accardi was in there. I could feel it. I closed my eyes as I felt the rage in my heart. All I could see was Avery's lifeless body. My eyebrows creased in pain; his death only brought me physical pain now.

"Alex" Ace snapped, grabbing my head. I opened my eyes hesitantly.
"You need to focus, you can't let anything distract you in here. This is life or death, we're walking into a lions den" He warned, his tone sounding more worried than usual.
"I can't wait to kill this motherfucker" I uttered, turning my attention to house. I began to walk to the door, Ace almost stopping me.

I didn't care if I died, not if I had gotten revenge.

I held gun in my hand as I knocked on the door, while Ace tried to pull me back without causing a scene.

"Are you fucking crazy?" Ace whispered as he stood next to me.
"Definitely" I responded blankly, giving nothing more than what he asked.
"You're going to get us both killed" He sighed, shaking his head.
"Leave then" I mumbled as I glanced over at him, only to see him roll his eyes in response. He pulled his gun from his waistband and reload it.
"You're my right hand, I can't let you get killed" He insisted, scoffing after he spoke.

"I hate you guys" Dante sighed, standing behind us.

I knocked again, we didn't seem to be getting a response; until suddenly, a man who was much older than us opened the door. I'd guess mid thirty's.

Ace shot with no hesitation, he didn't have any fear of killing innocent people. Although I suppose we knew these weren't innocent people. He took a step in the door and shot the two men running to us. I couldn't help but admire how skilled he was with a gun. Even at combat in general.

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