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A couple of months had passed. Things had been quiet for awhile.

I had slowly been saving to get a place of my own. Liz says I can stay even after I'm legal but she shouldn't have to mind an eighteen and a sixteen year old. Avery has been doing better. He started going to school again for the first time in awhile. He's made some new friends and even has a crush on a girl. All he's told me is her name is Julie.

"Alex, I'm going out" Avery uttered, waking me from my nap.
"Why did you need to wake me?" I grumbled, pulling the blankets over my head.
"Because it's late and I just wanted to make sure you're okay with it" He said, yet I could hear the nervousness in his voice.
"I'm not your dad, go if you want, just don't stay out all night" I responded, groaning from the pain in my stomach. I napped to try and get rid of the pain but it didn't work.
"Ok, I'll see you later" he announced, closing the door behind him, leaving the room in darkness.

The next thing I knew, Liz had peaked through the door.
"Alex, are you alright dear?" She asked quietly, peaking in.
"Yeah" I groaned, holding my stomach.
"Come out here, I'll give you some pain killers" She offered, opening the door for me. I slowly fumbled out of bed, a sharp pain running through my stomach. I winced as I leaned against the wall while Liz gave me a worried look. She rubbed my back soothingly as I cracked open two pills and swallowed them back with water. I waited for my stomach to settle the painkillers.

"Where's Avery?" She questioned quietly.
"He woke me to say he was going out for awhile" I muttered and then realised that he had no friends that lived around here. He would have to hike all the way back to the orphanage and then to the park to meet his friends.
"That's a bit odd, at ten o clock at night?" Liz questioned with a worried look.
"I'll be back" I nodded, throwing on my shoes and running out the door.

I knew exactly where that son of a bitch was going.

I walked down the dark streets, that had barely any light. The sidewalk was uneven and crooked, if you weren't looking, you'd definitely trip. There were boarded up shops and houses, I'm assuming that had been abandoned for years. My anxiety had started to set in while I was walking down the road yet I could be scared. I knew he left for a reason, I'd just find out what that reason was. I pray that he's not buying drugs because there's only one place he could get the money; my savings. I was starting to reconsider letting Avery live with me in the future. He's my brother though, I have to let him.

My thoughts were racing as I reached the alleyway. As I walked closer to the corner, I could hear Avery groaning. I turned the corner to see two guys kicking Avery while he was on the ground. They stopped the minute they saw me.

"How about you try to beat up someone your own fucking size dickheads?" I growled, clenching my fists and reaching for the one with the mask. I grabbed the hem of his t-shirt and threw him against the wall. I punched him repeatedly until his face was bloodied. I turned to the other guy, who could only watch in shock, before grabbing him and struggling for awhile before swinging for his stomach. The blow from my fist collided with just beneath his ribs. He grabbed the back of my neck, forcing my head to his knee. I stumbled to the ground, but instantly stood back up. Being on the ground is definitely not a good position in a fight. He swung again and I dodged, before my right fist collided with his face. He stumbled back, leaning against the alley wall.

I swung again, but he blocked and kicked me back, causing my head to hit against the brick wall. I groaned in pain but I glanced down at Avery who was bloodied and bruised on the floor and I knew I couldn't let them get away. The guy came over to me, and swung but instead of dodging, I grabbed his arm and tucked it behind his back, forcing his arm higher and higher up his back until I heard a crack. I had dislocated his shoulder. The man screamed in pain as he dropped to his knees, his arm falling to his side. They both struggled to make it out of the alleyway.

"Avery, what the fuck?" I mumbled, wiping the blood from my lip. I could feel the blood around my eye throbbing. There was no way I could hide this from Liz. Avery didn't speak, instead he just lay there, blood spilling from his nose. "Get up now".

Avery winced with pain as he climbed to his feet, clearly limping while holding his stomach.
"I needed it Alex" He spoke as his eyes welled up with tears but I was furious.
"How long?" I asked before Avery looked at me with a puzzled expression.
"How long!" I shouted at him, waiting for a response.
"Months" he uttered, clearly ashamed. I don't know how I didn't see it.

"You're exactly like mom" I spat before walking out of the alley, leaving him there. I don't know if I meant what I said, I was so angry but I suppose I did, otherwise I wouldn't of said it.

I was in bad shape walking home. I raised my hand to the back of my head, to see my fingers covered in blood. Deja was meant to be coming over tomorrow, and this was how she was going to see me. Beaten.

As I stared at the blood on my hand, I didn't know why but I began to sob. I had lost him to drugs, like my mother. I had fought for him and it still wasn't enough. I don't know how far he's gone. He's only fifteen and I can't even help him.

Not to mention that I was exhausted. I needed a lot more than painkillers. I needed to sit down so I did. I sat on the edge of the sidewalk, in the middle of a sketchy town, with nowhere to go. I didn't want Liz to know how fucked up Avery and I were. I could only hope that Avery didn't go back to her.

"Ice?" I heard someone say. It was the familiar voice I had heard from the convince store.
"Ace?" I grumbled, glancing up at him.
"Wow, you look like shit" he grumbled, holding out his hand.
"Says you" I uttered with a painful grin, seeing blood running from a cut on his face and slightly swollen eye.
"Long night" He nodded, pulling me to my feet.
"You wouldn't even know" I shook my head, groaning due to the pain in my stomach.

"Come with me, I'll help you get fixed up" He insisted, yet I couldn't help but be suspicious.
"Am I supposed to trust the most dangerous man in the world" I asked, glaring at him.
"So you did your research, good job" he grinned, shaking his head in disbelief. "I owe you one, remember".

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