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Ace rose from his office chair for the first time in days, and put on his iconic black suit. I've never witnessed a man wear a suit so much.

He did his hair and buttoned up his shirt.

I stood in-front of him.

"What are you doing?" I asked, acting like he was crazy.
"What do you mean, 'what am I doing?'" He widened his eyes at me.
"Why are you getting all dressed up?" I asked, pretending it was obvious.
"Because I want to look good," he responded blankly, blinking a few times. He was so clueless, it hurt to watch.
"Are you joking? Do you not know women at all?" I questioned him, starting to unbutton the top of his shirt. I ruffled his hair and his heartbroken appearance was falling back into place. Ace stared at me, his expression was emotionless. I couldn't help but laugh at him because I knew he was annoyed that undid everything he had done.

"Tell me you're joking, I'm not going to see her like this." Ace threw a tantrum.
"Ace, I'm telling you, she'll see it all over your face, that you're missing her, and she'll come straight back. I know women." I smiled, giving him a thumbs up for reassurance.
"I swear, if I end up looking like an idiot because of you, I'll break your arm too." He glared.
"Yikes, someone's grumpy."

We left his office and climbed into his car, Terry entering the car with us. We needed back up. We were walking into lions den.

"We're sheep, Ace!" I yelled at him, but he didn't seem to care.
"I'm not risking her life. If I bring a bunch of barely trained soldiers, one of them will shoot her. I'm not risking it," he muttered quietly, his gaze on the road.
"So you're letting us walk straight into an enemies territory?" I widened my eyes in shock as I held out my hands for exaggeration.
"Exactly. I have a plan though." Ace nodded, and I finally received a bit of comfort.
"What is it?" Terry asked, considering he manages the new trainee's.
"We tell them that if we don't return home in an hour, we're sending all of our power at them, and starting war," he said, a smile plastering across his face.

"But we didn't tell anyone we're going here?" I asked him, eagerly waiting for a response. Ace chuckled before nodding, "I know." 

I could've died on the spot. His plan relied on us being able to lie. I wanted to roll over and die. We were idiots, and we were going to die.

"We're going to be fucking slaughtered, like pigs in a fucking slaughter house," I shouted, the anxiety building in my stomach.
"Relaxxxxxx, it'll be fine," Ace uttered, hushing me. I threw him a glare before folding my arms.
"Just because you're suicidal because your girlfriend left you because you were being an ass because you have issues, doesn't mean Terry and I have to die too." I ranted, taking in a deep breath at the end of my sentence.

Ace rolled his eyes before looking at me.
"Are you finished yet?"
"If I knew being your right hand would mean that I had to jump off a bridge when you did, then I wouldn't have signed up," I rambled, letting out a sigh at the end.
"Then your life would've been boring," Ace stated, and he couldn't of been more correct.

We drove over half an hour, to Haze's base.

A gun was immediately held to our heads as Ace held his arms in the air. They confiscated our weapons and now we were too far gone. They led us inside where we were introduced to a girl called Nina. She couldn't of been much older than me. She had short black hair that rested just below her jawline and wore a dark red lipstick.

"Why are you here, Ace?" She grumbled, wiping her gun clean with a cloth.
"I think we both know why I'm here," he said, his eyes locking with hers.
"It'd be a shame if I had to kill that beautiful face," Nina whispered to me and my jaw opened. No words came out.
"Looks like someone's got a crush on you," Ace laughed, genuinely finding it amusing.
"Get this psycho chick away from me!" I whispered, so that Nina didn't hear me.

Nina texted Haze and soon we were taken up a couple of stairways. We stopped on a floor that looked homely almost. The walls were a cream colour and the doors were brown, unlike the grey walls and black doors a few floors down. There was also another exit on this floor, I wasn't sure where it went, I only know because I saw Nina leave through it.

Haze exited a room, he was smirking ear to ear. He did something to her, I know he did something. I could only hope Sofia was okay.

"If we don't return in forty minutes, our whole mafia is being sent over, to obliterate yours, I just thought I'd make you aware." I smiled sarcastically.
"I'll let her leave with you, only if she decides she wants to go," he spoke, leaning against the wall. He seemed way too confident that she would stay.
"She'll leave with me, don't worry," Ace patted him on the shoulder and I watched his guards pull a gun from their pockets.
"Put them down, Ace wouldn't beat me in a fight even if he tried," Haze sneered.

God, I hate this asshole.

"Go get Sofia," I reminded Ace, who was staring at Haze. I'm pretty sure he was imagining all the ways he could kill him. I stood outside as I waited for Ace and Sofia. She'll come home right?

I stood for what felt like years next to Terry. Terry was always quiet, he never had much to say. Ace says he's loyal and I trust Ace.

"She won't leave with him," Haze stated, rolling his eyes.
"Why are you so confident about that?" I snapped at him.
"Because I listened to her tell me about how Ace broke her little heart, and cheated on her. Why would she go back?" Haze questioned me and for a moment I was speechless.

I didn't realise Ace had told her he cheated. That's what he meant when he said he lied. Ah shit.

"He didn't cheat," I sighed with a smile.
"Well, good-luck to him convincing her of that," Haze chuckled to himself. He found this amusing.
"You're so confident that you've got her wrapped around your finger, but that's the problem. You shouldn't be confident," I said, watching his smile fade as I spoke.
"Why do you think that Ice?" He questioned me, trying to see if I was being truthful.
"Because she's the one for him." I smiled.

His face became filled with fury as he stood in-front of me.

"Is something bothering you? I thought you said you were confident," I said cheekily, hoping to rile him up even more.
"I am." He sighed but the anger was written all over his face. It was clear; he didn't really love her at all.

After a few minutes of silence, Ace left the room. His expression was still and he walked down the hallway.

I watched Haze's face light with joy. He began to laugh as Ace shook his head while walking; that was until I heard the door open and saw Sofia.

"I'll leave with you. I-I'll leave with you, Ace," Sofia stuttered, as if she had changed her mind last minute. Ace turned around and walked back to her, hugging her in-front of Haze. Ace kissed her cheek before leaving with her.

I laughed at Haze who couldn't seem to contain his anger. There was steam rolling out of his nose.

I sat with Sofia, Ace and Terry in the car. There was a silence, but it wasn't awkward. I think everyone was happy that the band was back together.

"I think we should all sing!" I exclaimed, and everyone immediately told me no. So I was sad.

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