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"What pitstop?", Dante asked, unbuttoning his suit jacket and taking it off.
"It's just a quick one", I reassured him.

We climbed into the Porsche and drove away from the murder scene, knowing we'd never have to face the consequences of our actions. It was strange; being able to murder someone and not end up in prison.

Even if police came knocking on Ace's door, he'd either pay them off or they'd go missing. Ace made his message loud and clear to the government. If they didn't let Ace go about his business, there would be war, and he would win.

"Do you ever think about the things we do?" Dante muttered, as if he was thinking out loud.
"Sometimes." I replied quickly, watching the trees go by through the window.
"Do you think we're bad people, do you think karma exists?", he questioned, his concentration on the road yet his mind was somewhere else entirely.
"No, i think we're just morally fucked." I answered, glancing over at him.
"Yea, definitely fucked alright. I doubt any of us will get a happy ending", he shook his head.
"Dante, you'll be alright, Ace and I on the other hand, well, that's a different scenario entirely", I reassured him, while wondering to myself if heaven did exist.

I'm not sure if I believed in an afterlife. It all seemed to good to be true. Maybe I believed an energy existed. Maybe it was karma. Maybe reincarnation is a thing, who knows?.

I could only hope I would see Avery again and that he'd be happy wherever he is. I don't think I'll have to live very long without him. I'd imagine this mafia life would catch up to me eventually and I'd meet my end by the fate of a bullet.

I didn't like killing people, but sometimes it was necessary and other times, they turn out to be innocent. It's all apart of our lifestyle. I do feel guilt for the innocent ones who get caught up in our lifestyle.

For the first time in my life, I could rest. I didn't have to get revenge for Avery but I knew that kill Andrew and Leonardo wasn't enough.

We pulled into a neighbourhood, which looked friendly and inviting. You wouldn't of thought a mafia boss lived here. I opened my door and climbed out of the car, immediately walking up to the house which was numbered 84. My gun was buried in my waistband. I placed my hand on the door handle, checking if it was open, it wasn't. I glanced in the mirror to the woman with fiery red hair playing with the girl who had the same blue eyes as me.

I watched as the child laughed at the mother. I glanced down at the gun that I held in my hand. This isn't who I am. I don't slaughter families. I kill who I need to, and then I move on. I had killed everyone I needed to, so I slipped the gun back into my waistband and headed back to the car which was parked across the road.

"Let him go, Ice." Dante nodded, as we drove down the road. His hand on my shoulder for support.


As we got back to the house, I walked in quietly, nobody knowing I had returned.

I felt hollow, empty. It should've filled the void; it was supposed to help. I figured I just needed to bury Avery again, and bury him for good this time.

As I reached the top floor and turned the corner into my bedroom. Sofia was standing in my room, her back facing me.

"What are you doing?" I hissed viciously, wondering what she was doing in my room. She jumped with fear as she held a frame in her hands.
"Sorry. Ace sent me in here to grab some file that he needed, he told me it was in your locker," she rambled, trying to justify her actions. I released a sigh as I sat on my bed, running my hand through my hair.

"Are you okay?" Sofia asked quietly, her voice gentle and calm.
"I'm sorry for scaring you. I'm having a rough day,"I paused before correcting myself. "I'm having a rough few months actually."
"Can I help?" She questioned, still gripping the frame.
"Why would you help me? I'm a horrible person who's been nothing but horrible to you since you arrived?" I said, a crease forming between my eyebrows.
"As you said, you've been having a rough couple of weeks," she uttered, smiling softly before handing me the frame.

"Who's this?" She asked, pointing at Avery.
"It doesn't matter. He's not alive anymore," I responded, throwing the picture back into the drawer of my nightstand.
"It was definitely your brother. I'm sorry about him Ice. He looked like a really sweet kid" She mumbled, about to leave.
"Sofia?" I said, waiting for her to turn around. She raised her eyebrows waiting for a response. "You forgot this."

I handed her the paper file that she was searching for and I watched her face light up.

"Hes gonna be so happy that I found this- well I mean you found it!" She said, before leaving the room.

Maybe she's not all that bad.


"So why doesn't anyone call you Alex if your real name is Alex," She questioned, sitting at the table with Ace, Dante and I.
"He bites anyone who tries." Dante joked, as I threw him a scowl. "I'm not wrong."
"I'm going to call you Alex," she stated, seeming stubborn about the idea.
"You don't have to," I muttered, hoping she would change her mind and call me Ice. I had gotten so used to the name that now it just felt natural.
"Of course I'll call you Alex, besides Ice is a bit of a silly name anyway," Sofia chirped, leaning back in her chair. Ace just threw her a scowl and she looked to me for help.

"Why is he glaring at me?" She whispered yet Ace could hear every word she was saying.
"It's because Ace and Ice are really similar and you just said Ice's name was silly," Dante chimed in, also whispering.
"I can still hear you all," Ace grumbled, rolling his eyes. I smiled as Sofia became flustered.
"I- I didn't mean it like that. Ace is a great name, I just meant Ice's name was stupid." She panicked.
"HEY! You said it was silly not stupid, take that back," I barked, pointing at her.

Sofia stood up suddenly, and ran out of the room. Ace, Dante and I burst into laughter.

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