Everything is better with confetti(BGMT)(2019)

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Both Stephen and Charlie walk in.

Stephen and Charlie" Hi guys"

Ant" Hey Stephen, Little D"

Dec" Uh oh, it's trouble and Nonsense look out"

Stephen" Now we was thinking"

Charlie" You was thinking, I'm not sure I agree with this"

Stephen" Everything is better with confetti"

Dec*pulls a face* I'm not sure about that"

Charlie"That's what I said"

Stephen" So let's try it like this all sad, what's your favourite takeaway Ant?"

Ant" Oh my favourite takeaway is Pizza"

Stephen" That okay, that's good"

Charlie" Now with the confetti"

Ant" My favourite takeaway is Pizza!!!"

The whole side of the stage then fills with confetti and everyone cheers and smiles. Dec who had been hesitant starts laughing as does his daughter.

Ant" Well nonsense it must be good with confetti if you got The Donnelly's laughing and we all know once they start they can't stop"

Charlie" Dad what is your star sign?"

Dec" Uhhh, Libra"

Ant" That was a bit boring wasn't it"

Charlie" Was a bit but...."

Stephen" With confetti, Dec what's your star sign?"

Dec" LIBRA!"

They all scream YEAH and the side of the stage once again fills up with confetti.

Charlie" Stephen this is alot of confetti"

Ant" Little D is right it is a bit"

Dec then leans back and tries to catch some and it lands on his tongue making him gag.

Stephen" Yeah it doesn't taste nice"

Stephen" So Ant what is your favourite thing about the puppies?"

Ant" The puppies, oh the cuddles"

Charlie" It was okay but what about with Confetti, Ant what is your favourite thing about the puppies?"

Ant" Oh the puppies, THE CUDDLES!"

All the confetti burst out of the tube, it looking like more and more as it bursts out of the tube and starts to land on all fours shoulders.

Charlie" Stephen where did you get these, there seems to be more and more confetti that bursts out"

Dec" She is right an all, look at the floor it's covered in confetti"

All four look around and could confirm it was A LOT of confetti. Stephen then pulls the tubes in front of the camera.

Stephen" You want to know where I got this, just down the road in your local shop, only four fifty"

Ant" Four fifty"

Charlie" Are you sure they were four fifty?"

Ant" I like that he knows the price of them"

Stephen" I bought them"

Dec" Price of everything, value of nothing"

Charlie" Dad, how do you like your eggs in the morning?"

Dec" Poached"

They all nod.

Ant" No it's not good enough we need to jazz it up"

Charlie" Dad how do you like your eggs?"


They all begin screaming yeah, poached eggs, I love poached eggs. Ant and Dec start dancing and Stephen picks up Charlie and spins her around. They all chuck the confetti around and chuck it at each other. Stephen chucks it at Charlie who chucks it back and Ant and Dec chuck it at each other before setting on Stephen.

Then all four appear around the corner and then see the confetti all over the floor and all over the backstage controls.

Ant" Now we have had fun but you don't know when to stop"

Stephen" I am so sorry mate"

One of the control managers looks shocked at it all.

Dec" A joke is a joke but you don't know when to stop"

Ant" Go get your Dyson, go on"

Stephen" What about Charlie?"

Charlie" I'm not cleaning this up, you bought the confetti"

Stephen sighs and disappears.

Charlie" He will just get a runner to do it most likely"

Dec" Come on let's go" 

Story Notes

Well the awesome foursome always find some way to cause mischief. 

Authors Notes 

Let me know what you think. Soz for not updating twice my computer refused to work. It's okay (fingers crossed). Hope you like. 



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