BGT Final 2020

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Really hope you like this, sorry I haven't updated in literally forever had so much anxiety lately with all this virus. I hope you love this, let me know what you think in the comments. :) 

Stephen looked at Charlie, she had come over to see him, in fact, she had been doing that lot lately and she was running out of excuses to say to Dec. Stephen sat down with her and smiled.

Stephen" You know you don't have to tell Dec where you are going, you are twenty-seven years old"

Charlie" Yeah I know, it's just I've been lying to him for nearly two months, I don't think I've ever lied to anyone for that long"

Stephen" Have you ever lied to me?"

Charlie" I don't think so, at least not anything I can think of"

Stephen*pulls her into cuddle* You know we are going to have to tell Dec at some point"

Charlie" I know I just don't want to tell him, I'm nervous what if he doesn't understand I mean I may as well be dating him, though I won't because that would be very strange"

Stephen" I'm just saying that it would be better if he heard it from us instead of the press"

Charlie" Yeah I know I get you, I just don't know when I mean I'm too nervous"

Stephen" Well, we don't have to do it at this very moment if you don't want to"

Charlie" Thanks, we will tell him, at some point"

Charlie and Stephen sat together on the sofa and Stephen pulled into his chest and kisses her forehead.

Charlie" I really love you Stephen"*kisses him on the lips*

Stephen" I love you as well, I've been looking for the perfect girl and she was under my nose the whole time"

Charlie" Same people always said after kissing all of the frogs I would find my prince and here he is"*strokes Stephen's face*kisses him close* I love you"

Stephen" I love you as well"

It was quiet for a moment then Stephen spoke up.

Stephen" Are you okay Charlie?"*pushes the hair out of her eyes*

Charlie" Stephen can I chat to you?"

Stephen" Of course you can, you can chat to me about anything"

Charlie" I've been thinking about how things are at the moment, with this virus and even though I tell myself there is nothing I can do about it and it is what it is I think deep down it's still worrying me to bits"

Stephen*holds her close* Shhh, I have been worrying about it as well, I mean nothing is ever going to be the same again that's a given but we can all do our bit to make things better for each other, like wearing our masks, making space between us and always making sure our hands are washed"

Charlie" I know, I do all the things and always inform all my followers to do the things, sometimes I just think it all gets pent up inside me and I don't know how to express it"

Stephen" Well, just so you know that if you ever want to talk to me about anything you can, okay?"

Charlie" Thanks Stephen, I think it's also really overwhelming because of all the rules that keep being made or something gets changed and it just throws everything out"

Stephen" Yeah I know, it's exactly how I feel when I watch the news, I try not to watch as much"

Charlie" I usually wait till dad tells me otherwise I don't watch the news"

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