The Christiening

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Hey y'all! I know I haven't updated in so long. I've been so busy with life. Work, my mental health and just everything that I've put this series on a back burner. I'll finish this story as promised! Any ways enjoy, as always vote and comment! Love you all

As expected the christening , was a complete production. Trish yelling at everyone to get everything right and in place for their sweet daughters christening.

" baby come on we're gonna be late, you're the god mother you're supposed to be on time." Austin sighed

" I'm almost done! One more curl" ally yells

" you know even with my parents taking the kids off our hands this morning so we could get to the church you'd think you'd be ready earlier" he yelled

" ha ha ha very funny" she yelled out " I miss my babies already"

" we'll see them later at the after party" he said " Trish said no crying kids except hers at the church"

" understandable." She said " we never did these extreme things for our kids.. then again Trish and Chucks parents are way more religious than ours" she walks out

" you look so beautiful" he smiled
" thank you." She said " can you help" she turns around so Austin can zip up her dress
He pushes her hair to the front and zips it up

He kisses her neck and her cheek
" stooppp it" she blushed
He smiles at her and she smiles back
" we could be late" he said
She shakes her head and gently pushes him away

" you look handsome" she smiled she wraps her arms around him
" thanks" he said " ready to go my lady?"
" mhmm" she said looking up at him

He kisses her forehead " alright let me go warm the car up" he lets go of her

" ah ah ah pictures cause we look good" she said

" oh god" he sighed
They finally got on the road headed to the church it was so peaceful.

No kids show playing in the background, no baby crying. No toddler asking " mommy where we going" 20 times in a minute

It was peaceful. It was almost strange. The silence.

" okay is it me or is it so weirdly quiet" she said
" you mean peaceful" he said
" well yeah.." she said
" like the old times.. feels like old times..and you know I can actually put a bit of speed into this baby" he said
" don't you dare" she said
" teasing" he said grabbing her thigh
She holds his hand and kisses it
" maybe we should speed so we could lose these fucking paparazzi." He said glancing over at the paparazzi snapping photos of them

" so annoying. I wish we could do what we love without people following us around like crazy" she said

" I know.. I wish I could have my own island with pancakes.. my baby, and my babies..were no one can find us" he said

" I agree." She said " comes with our career.. we lose our privacy.."

" one day.. when we retire.." he begins
" retire? Did I hear that right? I thought you never wanted to retire." She said

" yeah.. I know. But having kids.. having a family.. our family made me realize there's more important things.. one day when we retire I wanna give out children the normal lives they deserve" he said

She smiles " one day... I'd love to go back to school and become a mad scientist"

" mad scientist?" He raise his eyebrow " hot"

She laughs " how about you?"
" hmm... maybe a basketball star" he said " or professional surfer"

" mad scientist and basketball player/ pro surfer" she said " what an odd couple"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2022 ⏰

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