A reveal with a BANG!

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In the afternoon Austin and Ava made some cards for Ally and Trish for when the returned home.

They sat outside finger painting so they wouldn't get the house dirty because Ally would literally end him.

He looks at Ava making a mess with the paints probably most of it on herself rather the paper..

" look at you all covered in paint" he laughed wiping the yellow paint off of her cheek

Ava dips her already blue finger into the red

" it's a good thing mommy isn't here she would freak out that you're mixing the colors.." he laughs " but not me you can mix them for all I care"

" red red red" Ava said

" that's right! It's red" he said
She giggles
" so beautiful" he said picking up her masterpieces " okay let's get all cleaned up, we gotta leave to for the airport"

" okay okay okay" Ava said cutely
He chuckles " you look like a canvas.. look at your belly"

Ava looks down at her lil belly " oh no..." she looks up at him

He laughs and she giggles
" you're always so giggly never change that" he said
He picks her up and he goes in through the sliding doors and into the house

" already honey let's get you all cleaned up" he puts her into the tub and scrubs her down

" bubbas" she said Splashing
" I love bubbles too" he said " having fun??" He asked

He pours the water into her hair, causing her curls to go straight down her back

" jeez look at all of that hair" he smiles

He takes her out and puts her into her ducky towel
" quack quack!" She said before running into her room

" hey get back her you little duck!!" He said

Ava hides in the corner

He laughs " you're hiding from me?" He crotches down
And crawls over to her " found you!"

Ava laughs really hard

He laughs and picks her up and kisses her

" let's get dressed.." he said as he picked out an outfit
" perfect"

He gets her dressed and fixes her hair ( and she lets him!!)

While Ally was gone, he actually looked up videos on how to braid hair and he was pretty proud of the two braids he was able to do in Ava's hair

" and matching bows.. and perfect" he said " I'm getting good huh?

Ava touched her hair
" ah no you don't" he smiles
Ava smiles and touches her hair again
" no no I'm gonna tickle you!" He said
But he tickles her anyways and she giggles
" alright let's go get mommy" he said
" mommy" she asked
" yea we're going to go see mommy" he said " and aunty Trish"
" Ava who's that?" He points In the crowd of busy travelers " right there."

" mommy!" She said happily kicking her legs

Ally spots them and smiles Walking towards them

Austin puts Ava down so she can run over to her

" mommy!" Ava said running over with her little legs
" hi oh my goodness" Ally picks her up " hi baby" she hugs her " I missed you so so so much!!"
" hi mommy" Ava said holding her face
" hi my baby" ally said she kisses her little face " mommy missed you so much"

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