Boy or Girl??

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Happy Moonday my dudes!! See what I did there??

It was a pretty hot day today, and Austin took the opportunity to continue teaching his daughter to swim in their pool while Ally went out for some errands

" jump!! You can do it!!" He said sticking out his arms from the edge of the pool happily " you got this baby girl!!"

Ava squats down a little unsure but giggles at her dad's enthusiasm

She sits down
" oh no.. come on you can do it!! " he said lifting her up on to her feet

She looks at him a bit unsure cocking her head to the side of her shoulder shyly she shrugs.

" honey come on!! I'll catch you!!"he said " daddy's got you princess"

She shrugs again

" you're a strong brave girl!!" He said " remember??? Fearless!! Lemme see your muscles!!"

She flexes  her little baby muscles and smiles a bit

" atta girl!!" He said " come on, jump to daddy!!"

She sticks her arms out and jumps into the pool

"YAY!" He said pulling her up

" ALRIGHT!!!" He said throwing her up " that's my girl!!"

She laughs
" I'm so proud of you!!" He said " you can do anything"

She smiles at him and he swears it's because she's proud of herself for being brave and fearless. He kisses her forehead

" swim to daddy" he said putting her at the shallow end of the pool

Ava goes into the water and swims to her dad

" oh my god!! Am I the best teacher or what??" He said pulling her out " man my daughter is awesome!"

She splashed around
" you wanna go again?" He asked
She nods
" yea?" He asked
" yea!!" She said excitedly
" it's fun??" He asked
She shrugs
" yes it is.." he throws her up
She giggles
" now jump and swim to me!!" He said putting  her at the edge 
" you can do it brave girl!" He said

She jumps with no hesitation and swims over to him

After awhile he puts some toys at the bottom of the pool so she can swim and get it
Each she got a toy for him she had the biggest smile and would say " got it!!" In the cutest little voice anyone could have heard

" WOW!! you're officially a swimmer kid!! And you're not even two yet!!" He said holding her " I'm proud of you baby girl !!" He kisses her wet face "
You did so good mommy is gonna be so proud of you"

" there you guys are!!" Ally said coming

" Alls!! You have to see what our kid just did!!" He said " she's so brave! Ava show mommy how you jumped and swim!!"


" yea and it was awesome I had to build her up a bit, she was afraid but once she got it.. man it was awesome" he said putting Ava on to the ledge " our kid is incredible!!"

" okay come jump and swim to daddy" he said

Ava smiles at him mischievously and hugs her mothers leg

" AW COME ON!!" He said " don't mess with me cause your mothers here!!"

Ally shrugs " did she really jumped into the pool?"

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