Flash mobs and a baby ??

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   Austin sits his almost three year old by the piano in an attempt to teach her. Which by the way Ava had no interest in learning, all she wanted to do was smash the keys. Which of course Ally expected, cause what was Austin thinking trying to get their toddler to learn piano at two.

" Ava, you can't just expect to be in the band cause you're our daughter, you gotta have some kind of talent, which lucky for you, your mom and dad dabble in." He tells her
  Ava looks up at him smiles before smashing the keys again

Austin cringed a bit " see there's that enthusiasm, and mom thought you wouldn't like it" he chuckled and squeezes her chubby little cheeks

" how's it going in here?" Ally said coming in with the baby on her hip

" great!" Austin grins " Ava show mommy and Alex what you got"

Ava smashes the keys

Austin cringes then chuckles " s-see, she's better already"

Ally laughs and ruffles his hair " I love that you're teaching her, but she's too young"

" I know.. but it's fun.." he said

" mommy look I did it!" Ava smiles big as she smashes the piano

" AWW" the parents melted

" see" Austin said cuddling Ava " my daughters already a pro"

"okay that was pretty cute! How about Alex?" Ally sits by Austin

Alex cooes and spits up  over the keys and Ally quickly wipes his mouth

" maybe not" Austin said
" EWWW BUBBIE" Ava cringes and gets off Austin's lap
The parents laughed
" she's so grossed out by him" Austin laughed
and later that day Austin, and Dez were left with the two older children, while Ally, Trish and Carrie went shopping for baby Magnolias christening.

" I've never been to a christening before,let alone be apart of one" Ally said " this is exciting"

" this is just the first one, she has another one when she's eight years old." Trish said " neither Chuck and I are super religious, but it's important in our family, it's tradition and we have to keep it going.. it's actually beautiful"

" you just want the gifts" Ally squints her eyes at Trish
" and the money, let's not forget" Trish added

" this is so exciting, I can't wait either knowing you, you're gonna go all out" Carrie said

" you bet I am!! Right mamas??" Trish cooes at her daughter

" I can't believe you're a mom" Ally said " like I'm still in complete and utter shock"

" I still can't believe you want more kids" Trish said

" I thought you didn't want anymore, wait are you and Austin planning another baby?" Carrie gasped " are you pregnant?" She gasped again

" no!" Ally said " I'm not.. I just had a baby.. and Trish! You weren't supposed to mention anything"

" oops" Trish said as they looked through decor for the party

" yea I want another baby? But Austin doesn't know I want another baby so we can't say anything.. or he's gonna give me grief about it" Ally said

" so are y'a just gonna sneak attack him" Carrie asked

" no, I won't do that.. having a baby is a decision two people have to make.. sure our first was unplanned." Ally began
" and an insane weak pull out" Trish added
" I was on birth control and we were drunk" Ally said " in a hotel! Anyways, that's besides the point"

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