Electric Blue..... hair

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" JUST DO IT! Go for it" he covers his eyes
" relax!" Eliza said Kim is the best hairstylist on set " it won't be too bad"

" I know but it's MY hair! My hair is my pride and joy!" He said

" wow.. it's true you so care a lot about your hair" she said " come on, we start filming and you need your hair cut"

" fine" he said " be gentle" he looked at Kim
" I will" she said
He breathes in and out

She combs his wet blonde hair that reached his chin and she cuts it

Eliza cheered " awww it's a boy!"

" shut up!!" He said
She laughs
" Eliza" Kim said
"Sorry mom" Eliza laughed
" sorry my daughter  can be a bit much, but she's learning a lot from being an intern" Kim said

" a lot! I can't wait till I can direct my own films" Eliza said

" you have big dreams kid" he said
" Kim .. I'm dying my hair next" she said
" what color?" Kim asked
" I'm feeling a bit electric blue today" Eliza said
" you got it girl" Kim said

Kim looked to be about a few years younger than Austin's mother.. Most likely a teen mom.

But from what he's heard from Eliza, her mom is a boss ass bitch and doesn't take shit from anyone.. she's also a cool ass mom who lets her kids express themselves which made sense to him why Eliza is soo eccentric.

" alright.. whew you look handsome" Kim said
" he looks alright" Eliza said spinning around
" this is how I was instructed for the character to look" Kim said
" woah kinda digging it.. can you style my hair from now on?" He asked " seriously move out to La and just do my hair every day"

" you are the sweetest" Kim said
"'I heard that too and it's true" Eliza said spinning In the chair as she balanced a comb on her nose

He laughs " I have to show my hair to my wife she's gonna love it.."

" or hate it.. I hear wives have a weird attachment to their husbands hair.." Eliza said " something about the satisfaction of grabbing it during hot rough sex"

Kim's eyes widen " Elizabeth!" She laughs " god I'm so sorry Austin"

" that's okay.. I mean she's not wrong" he smiles shrugs

" I guess all those  fanfics about you guys are true then too Ally does  likes it rough" Eliza said " except in the ones I read you cry after but I think it's wrong about you though unless I mean  that's cool if you do, I'm all for a male showing emotions after screwing his wife"

" I DO NOT!" he said

" kweel" Eliza said spinning around on her chair

" she was dropped on her head as a baby.. I was only 17" Kim said " my Elizabeth Birdie Wilson"
" who names their kid the name birdie?? Hippie shit" Eliza said

" you're a free spirit.." Kim said

" i think it suits you" he said " maybe I'll consider it to Ally"

" funny" Eliza said " okay my turn!! And then let's get food and get you back to set you should be having a scene soon"
" are you ready??" He asked 
" I'm about to puke" Ally said " flip the camera already!!"

" okay okay" he said he flips the camera

And she gasps " AHH"

" you hate it? I think it looks good" he said checking him self out on camera

" NOOO IT LOOKS SO GOOD! YOU LOOK SO HOT!!" She said " pleaaaaaase kiss me through the phone"

He laughs " should I keep it like this all the time?"

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