Actor Boy!

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" how was it??" She asked running up to him as soon as he came home

"terrible" he said sighing
" what?" She said as her expression changed
" nah I'm kidding, I got the part!!" He said

He laughs " I GOT IT BABY I GOT IT!"

" YAY!!" She cheered " I knew it!! Ugh I'm so freaking proud of you !!" She hugs him

He lifts her up

" thank you! Thank you!  thank you!" he says as she kisses his cheek three times

" aww my little actor boy" she pinched his cheeks " baby!! I'm so proud of you!! You're gonna do so great!!"

" I'm so excited.. but also a bit nervous" he said " all these professional actors and singers.. I'm an amateur compared to them"

" shut up!! No honey you're great !!" She puts her arms around him
He smiles at her " you're just saying that cause you have too he puts his nose to hers
" im saying it because it's trueee" she pushes his face back with hers
" where's my daughter ?" Austin asked
" Trish came over for a bit and Ava got really sad when Trish was leaving, so Trish took her. " she said
" oh aww.." he said
" I don't  mind,  I actually got a lot of things  done today that would be impossible if she were here" she said" but please tell me how it went"

They sit on the couch

" Okay, so first, I was pretty nervous to be around professionals actors, like I had to give myself a little pep talk" he said

" aww" she said " that's so cute"
He smiles
" and then when it was my turn,  I read some lines with my love interest, and then I sang a song with my guitar and they hired me right on the spot" he said

" that's amazing! I'm so happy it went well I'm so proud of you!!" she puts her arm around him 
" well.. I have to cut my hair really short and gel it back because my character is a solider after all" he said

"as long as they don't cut off all of your gorgeous blonde hair I'm good" she said

" they might have to dye it" he joked
" you're joking" her eyes widen
" yea totally" he laughed " so I leave next Thursday.."
" I know" she said holding his face
" jeez how am I gonna say goodbye to you and to Ava" he said
" how are we going to say good bye to you!" she said fluffing his hair " I'm already missing you"
" me too" he said

" I'd say we've dealt  with it before and we can do it again, but we all know how that went" he said

" yea " she said

" yea, but hey, we don't have to worry about that" he smiled at her
" I know" she replies " I kinda  wish I went with you to watch you kill that audition to be that proud wifey!!"

He laughs " you being there might make me feel a lot better tho, even though you can be some what of a stage wife "

She rolls her eyes " I do it cause I love you, and I believe in you"
He smiles and caresses her cheek
" tell me more" she said holding his arm
" it's gonna be great, the plot is great!! But my character goes through a lot..."

" interesting" she said
"  there's musical numbers and everything" he said
" when does it come out?" She asked
" next summer or maybe even winter .. not entirely too sure" he said " they'll be a premier with a red carpet and everything so  I'll need a plus one, but I don't know if there'd be any one will be available by then" he teased

She rolls her eyes

" I'm kidding" he smiles touching her knee
" so I'll either be pregnant, or not pregnant anymore" she said " hoping for the second one, remember how miserable i was that award show we went to a little bit before Ava was born"

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