Crushes and New Milestones

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Ava hits her mothers face until she wakes up
"I'm up I'm up" Ally yawns " do you need to go to the potty?"

By the way, Ally took it upon her self to potty train Ava since she thinks she's ready. Mostly because she can hold it in during the night and naps.. and tells her parents when she used her diaper..
to add to that she pretty much can take off and put on her own diaper

And thus the journey began

She's never potty trained a child before, so of course she did her research, and called her mom for advice and tips on how to potty train a girl specifically.

It's been rough though, the first few days were filled with accidents of course.. and whining because Ava hates the sensation of being wet and dirty..

Excitement when ever she did go number 1 in the potty and she'd get stickers or candy

So potty training so far has gone.. okay.. but it's getting there for sure.

" okay let's go potty I have to go to Anyways" she said taking Ava off the bed and going to the bathroom

Ava tinkles in her cute little potty

" yay!! Good girl!" Her mother cheered " Ava went potty Ava went potty" she sang
Ava smiles at her little master piece and gets up

" daddy is going to be so excited when we visit him and you're wearing big girl undies" she said

" princess" Ava points them

" haha yes! That's right! Of course princess undies" Ally said helping her put them on " remember you go pee in the potty, not in these!! It's not fun cleaning up your accidents everywhere"

Number 2 in the potty she's not quite there yet.. but it's going

" good morning sweetie" Penny said " how's everything?"

" good good" Ally said making Ava's breakfast " she went to the potty.. she didn't even go in her diaper at all"

" I'm so excited for you two!! That's one less diaper you have to change" Penny said

" I know! I really didn't want to change a new born and a toddlers diaper I'd go insane.. I'm happy she chose now to be ready.." Ally said

" has she gone number 2"
" no we're working on that! But the pee she's got down pretty much"

" Ava say hi to grandma" ally shows her the phone
" hi" Ava shoves her giggly face into the camera
" hello my little avacado! I miss you! And I'll see you sooner than you think.. perhaps in two months? Or maybe when your baby is here" Penny said

" really??" Ally asked
" yea! Of course I couldn't miss it for the world.. I was upset I missed Ava's birth by a hair, but there was so much Austin could do.. you know to fly me over, but by the way how is he doing? It's been like two weeks since he's gone?" Penny said

" he's doing great!" Ally said " he's having so much fun, but he's tired which is understandable, he shoots  from 4 in the morning till midnight"

" that's rough.." Penny said " how are you sweetie?"

"Im good but  I do miss him like crazy, I was sad at first, but it's getting better.. we haven't been apart for this long since we broke up"

"but I'm planning on surprising him in a week or two" Ally said " just haven't got plane tickets yet"
" aw that's so sweet" Penny said
" I haven't spoken to him since yesterday afternoon.. he had a late scene to shoot.. so we didn't get to say good night.. and he had to be up early this morning.. but he sent me a really sweet text.." Ally continued

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