reminiscing and Another crush

924 19 7

" look at the little thumb!! and the little nose Trish said looking at ally's ultrasound pictures

Ally glances at her then back at the road  " baby is growing so good.." reminiscing

" he.. I mean.. she I mean" Trish stutters
" it's okay to say baby.. I know it's weird" ally said

" anyways the baby is so cute already" Trish said look at that little face"

" I know" Ally said " hey I'm glad we can be dates for to Pipers party.. since our men are gone"

" me too!!" Trish said " hey I think chuck's proposing soon"

" WHAT??" Ally said
"  not  to be obsessive but i saw a tab on his computer for rings" Trish said

" no way no way NO WAY!"

" first a baby, now a wedding!!" Ally said " hella backwards, but so effing cool I'm soo happy for you!!"

" thanks!! I'm so excited hey Ava you wanna be a flower girl??" Trish asked her

" yea" Ava said cutely kicking her feet

" get all pretty and throw flowers?"Trish said
Ava sniffs
" why is she sniffing?" Trish asked " did she poop her self?"

" no.. she's pretending to smell flowers" Ally explained

" oh" Trish said " turn here"

" thanks" Ally said " hey can you send Austin the ultrasound pictures"

" gotcha!" Trish said

" okay almost there" Ally tells Ava
" what the heck is that?" Eliza squints
" that's a baby.. my baby" said
" hmm" she examines it " looks weird"

" what it's so cute! Look at the little fingers" Austin said

" now far along is she?" Eliza asked
" she's almost 6 months.. man I wish I could be there" he sighed

" why don't you just face time her?" She asked
" I was filming" he said
" oh well I'm sure you'll get more time to" she said

Some of his casmates gathered around to see the ultrasounds

" awww" Bethany said " so cute"
" adorable" another girl said
" thanks guys" he said
" what's the big deal about babies??" Eliza whined " I now have lilac hair!" She shakes her newly dyed hair which is now a bob

Austin shakes his head

" okay let's get back to filming

James ( Austin) and Thea ( Bethany) are in an underground camp for safety, while bombs go off struggling to stay warm
" James Scared" Thea shivers

* James holds Theas face*
" listen.. you have no reason to be afraid.. as long as I'm here.. I'll keep you safe.. you believe me right" James voice shivers

" I-I am cold" Thea closes her eyes and lets the tears fall onto James hands

" shhh" he hushes her
He pulls her close to keep their body temperature steady
" James.. I.." Thea said closing her eyes.. her grip loosening due to her early symptoms of hypothermia
James holds her tighter
" Thea listen, we're gonna get out of here alive okay? And we'll eat as much pastries as we want.. and spend the rest of our lives together.. but you have to stay with me"

" j-jjames" she shivered


" Y-you have fight" she said " it's okay leave me.."
" NO" he said
" James you have no choice you must" she said
" I can't.."

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