Family and changes

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The next morning Austin was in the kitchen making breakfast while Ally took a shower.He had soft music playing in the background.

With Ava in his arm and his other hand navigating the foods.While making food he danced around the kitchen with his daughter singing along to the lyrics

" Ava I'm gonna show you how to make a perfect omelette" he said

Ava puts her head on his shoulder
He smiles " baby girl you stay stealing my heart.." he said kissing her forehead
She smiles

Ally comes in the kitchen after her shower to help with breakfast

" you guys are so cute" she said kissing both of their cheeks

She takes out all of her prenatal pills and pops them into her mouth along with some vitamins, she then washes it down with orange juice

" okay, what do you need me to do?" She asked
" fruits " he said

She smiles at him and takes the fruits and washes them

" Ava you are such a big helper helping dad" she said

" more like laying in my arms while i do all the work" he chuckles

" what should we do today?" She asked "I was thinking we take her to science world"

" boring" he said
" what? We went there before and you loved it" she said
" wait that cool museum?" He asked
" yes" she said
" ohh yea let's go!" He said
" fun and educational!" She said " then can we go to elizas house for dinner just because.."
" her mother's an amazing chef and make up artist and hair stylist" he smiled

" yes" she said " all of the above.. I was also wondering if she wouldn't mind changing my hair up a bit"

"I'm sure she'd love that.. but no drastic changes! like don't go blonde or cut your hair really short.. I love your long hair.." he touches it
" it's the longest it's been since I was last pregnant maybe even longer.. but it's time for a change!! I'm tired of the same look.. and frankly you're gonna love it or else" she said

He scoffs " are you threatening me?"
She smirks
He laughs
" what ever you do..I'm sure you'll look good" he said
She smiles

Austin flips over one side of his very packed omelette with his free hand

" ahh looks so good" Ally said " Ava wanna help mommy with strawberries?" She holds out her hands

" no" Ava said shaking her head she pulls away from Ally
Ally gasps in shock " no?"
" she just rejected you" he laughs
" she's totally being a daddy's girl right now!! Ava you're supposed to be mommas girl!" She said
" no" Ava said
" okay okay you can have daddy all you want" Ally said

" don't be jealous, you get to have her to yourself for six weeks" he laughed

" oh fine" she said " Trish is calling"

She answers
" good morning!!" Trish said
" hey!" Ally said
" hey" Austin said
" look at the three of you together again" Trish smiles

" we're making some food and then having another family day" Ally said Smiling

" you guys look so happy!" Trish said " hi Ava"

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